GreenBuzz Berlin organized three Sustainability Labs in the year of 2018. The Labs were funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) for the “Kurze Wege für den Klimaschutz” program.

What are Sustainability Labs?

Sustainability Labs are a series of workshops designed to build communities and together aim for a more sustainable city by reducing CO2 emissions on a local level. It is a method of creating deep and meaningful connections – through environmental and ecological values – among people who are sharing the same space: one neighbourhood. It allows citizens to add their own ideas towards building a more sustainable world and to contribute to positive change in their own cit

What have we done?

During the year 2018, three Labs were organized in different neighbourhoods within Berlin: Kreuzberg, Neukölln and Wedding. Each Lab gathered people from the area who had either previously submitted an idea or wanted to be part of a sustainable challenge to make it happen.

The first lab took place at betahaus in Kreuzberg in March 2018. It was worked on an urban solar challenge with SunCrafter and a drop-of hub by  ImagineCargo. On three challenges were worked on in Neukölln at CRCRL in July 2018: ZooComposting let by Ricardo Beck, Saubere Luft with Frederik Henn and Hydrophonic Gardens. The last lab took place in Wedding in September. Damar Rivillo had a challenge on Upcycling Fashion, Scott Bolden, from our hosting location baumhaus, on News You Can Use and a further challenge from Marie Palmer from 12rooms focussed on a flexible furniture idea.

More information on the Labs and its outcomings, you can find in our three blogposts:

Sustainability Lab Kreuzberg

Sustainability Lab Neukölln

Sustainability Lab Wedding

and in our Guide to Sustainability Labs.

Skilled coaches from Protellus and Maren Beverung Consulting and Facilitation, as well as the GreenBuzz Berlin e.V. members, orchestrated the workshops.

What is next?

We are interested in performing further Sustainability Labs. If you are interested in our concept for your organization, please get in touch:


Die Sustainability Labs wurden im Jahr 2018 gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages / Funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety due to a decision of the German Federal Parliament.

Titel:   Sustainability Labs
Laufzeit des Vorhabens:   01.09.2017 – 30.11.2018
Förderkennzeichen:   03KKW0061
Beteiligte Partner:   Projektträger Jülich, CRCLR, Das Baumhaus, betahaus
Ziel und Inhalt des Vorhabens:   Bürger*innen und Initiativen, die auf Nachbarschaftsebene wirken, sollen im Rahmen von Climathons zusammengebracht und nachhaltig miteinander vernetzt werden. Das Ziel ist, gemeinsam innovative, nachhaltige und umsetzbare Lösungen für den Klimaschutz auf Nachbarschaftsebene zu entwickeln.