On September 15th 2018, about 20 people came together for the third GreenBuzz Berlin Sustainability Lab at DAS BAUMHAUS in Berlin-Wedding to jointly work on three challenges that have been proposed by active members of the GreenBuzz community in Berlin. Challenge 1 – Upcycling Challenge by Damar Rivillo: Transforming the unwanted clothes around us is a way to start tackling the waste problem of the […]
On July 1st 2018, about 20 people came together for the second GreenBuzz Berlin Sustainability Lab at CRCLR in Neukölln to jointly work on three challenges that have been proposed by active members of the GreenBuzz community in Berlin. Challenge 1 – Hydroponic Vertical Garden: There is a lot of bare walls in Berlin, 4 stories high, no windows, vast useless emptiness. Until now. Let us […]
On March 3rd 2018, about 20 people met for the first GreenBuzz Berlin Sustainability Lab at Betahaus in Kreuzberg to work jointly on two challenges that have been proposed by active members of the GreenBuzz community in Berlin. Challenge 1 addressed the idea of creating a “drop-off hub” in Kreuzberg for online shoppers and local business with the goal to receive parcels with bicycles in […]
Hack your neighbourhood for sustainability! Put your ideas into action at our first Sustainability Labs in Kreuzberg. Form or join a team to decrease co2 in your neighborhood. At our first Sustainability Labs we will work on 2-3 challenges to make Kreuzberg more sustainable! Challenges 1. Sustainable logistics system We will develop a solution for a sustainable logistics system which will minimise the air pollution […]