3 Reasons Why Protecting Our Rivers Is Incredibly Important

3 Reasons Why Protecting Our Rivers Is Incredibly Important

If the rainforests are the lungs of the planet, then the rivers can be considered the veins and arteries. For a significant part of human history, rivers have been very important to our species for a multitude of different reasons, taking a dip being only a minor one. Therefore, it’s no surprise we’ve dedicated one day of the year to celebrate them. As an integral […]

The 5 Most Abundant Greenhouse Gases and Where They Come From

The 5 Most Abundant Greenhouse Gases and Where They Come From

There’s more to the greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide. The greenhouse effect is an important part of the reason why our planet is fit for human habitation. However, releasing gases which promote it through human activity into the atmosphere is leading to a warming effect; this is essentially upsetting the Earth’s natural systems. Without pulling any punches, it’s fair to say that humans release a […]

We’re Running Out of Some Rarer Chemical Elements and Our Consumption Habits are to Blame

We’re Running Out of Some Rarer Chemical Elements and Our Consumption Habits are to Blame

*This post was originally posted on the platform Delta-S.  Our consumption of electronics and other technologies are not only endangering wildlife, but also our access to a variety of chemical elements. Perhaps it’s a little biased coming from a chemistry graduate, but chemistry is a very interesting topic. As the study of matter, chemistry tells us a lot about the physical world in which we […]

4 Changes Ordinary People Can Make to Prevent Water Waste & Pollution

4 Changes Ordinary People Can Make to Prevent Water Waste & Pollution

Today is World Water Day so let’s go ahead and talk about water. Why? Water is an essential ingredient to life on Earth. All known lifeforms need and use it. Though perhaps less glamorous than a diamond ring, it is no less precious. In fact, it is probably the resource with the highest intrinsic value. Of the 37 largest aquifer systems in the world – […]

Saving to Selling: A Social Entrepreneur’s Story

Saving to Selling: A Social Entrepreneur’s Story

The thing that I really liked about our event around the topic of food leftovers earlier this month was the diversity of the speakers. We had one startup whose focus was on food leftovers surrounding freshly prepared food, one organisation whose sole focus was on redistributing food to the needy and another startup whose goal was to make the issue of food leftovers more mainstream. […]

Feeding Berlin: the challenge of food waste! – A Series of Sustainable Events

Feeding Berlin: the challenge of food waste! – A Series of Sustainable Events

In the last year, GreenBuzz has been focusing on the ‘Sustainability Labs’ and so the event on December 6th was a welcome change back to the old ‘Sustainability Drinks’ format. The format is quite simple. We pick a topic and create an event around it, with interested individuals coming by to find out more about said topic, with the chance of networking later in the […]