GreenBuzz Berlin is on a mission! This post is part of our 100 Sustainable Solutions initiative. Learn more about it here.

Why does your organisation exist?
As a result of personal experience: Ever since we became parents, the amount of trash we create has been insane, even with all our efforts to remain sustainable e.g. using cloth diapers or buying second-hand clothes. Toys, especially educational ones, turned out to be one of the most challenging things to find a sustainable alternative for. They are difficult to find second hand and very expensive to buy new. In the end, our baby ended up using them for a few months and then they were just filling our storage room. The whole idea of the Tribu Box revolves around providing a convenient and sustainable alternative to toy consumption – curated and fully-approved by experts in babies’ development.
What impact do you have?
We provide a convenient and sustainable alternative to toy consumption. By choosing wooden toys combined with our rental and maintenance system, we can extend the average life of a toy (6 months) by at least 500%. With this we contribute to reducing CO2 emissions caused by the production of new stuff: 90% of all toys produced globally are made of plastic and 80% end up in landfills or in the ocean.
What are your main challenges? (Now and in the foreseeable future.)
I think educating people about the circular economy is probably the hardest part. A growing number of people are getting into it, but the vast majority isn’t part of the circular economy yet. This is of course going to change.
What gives you reason for optimism for the future?
This is gonna sound so cheesy, sorry, but our babies and the next generations. We have seen how new generations are more and more aware and proactive. They have been able to generate tangible changes. We are learning from them every day and taking responsibility to do our part.
We have curious readers, eager to get active. How can they get involved with your project?
Subscribe! Choose our amazing gift card for baby showers! We’re also looking for pre-loved toys. If you have any educational toys in good condition to sell, go to and let us know!
How can they get in touch?
We’re very active in social media. You can follow us on our Instagram and Facebook or send us an email: