GreenBuzz Berlin is on a mission! This post is part of our 100 Sustainable Solutions initiative. Learn more about it here.
Why does your organisation exist?
The answer is quite simple: 579 million people worldwide don’t have access to clean drinking water. More than two billion people lack access to basic sanitation facilities. But water is a human right, so we want to change this. We advocate for and support access to clean drinking water through WASH projects (water, sanitation, hygiene) worldwide.
What impact do you have?
Water is life. For this reason, we are committed to realizing the human right to water and sanitation. Together with local and international partners and partner organizations, we support water projects around the world. Together we can achieve more than as individuals! Viva con Agua uses the universal languages of music, sports and art to create a transformational awareness for welcoming and handling change.
We believe that positive emotions play an important role in influencing lasting health-related behavioral changes. Therefore we don’t just relying on the transfer of information about the risk and severity of certain behaviors. Instead we aim to create an atmosphere where learning and the application of health-related behavior is joyful and dignified, with a solution-oriented mindset that inspires people to get engaged.
We invite people to participate peacefully and use synergies to strengthen the capacities of civil society, both within communities and on an individual level. Viva con Agua is potential-oriented, focusing on extending existing abilities and skills. Dedicated participation and awareness of one’s own capabilities and power are mandatory conditions for self-determined and self-designed future development.
Viva con Agua – together with its partner organizations – has reached around 3.6 million people through WASH projects. These people were provided with access to clean drinking water, sanitary and hygiene facilities as well as training and education.
What are your main challenges? (Now and in the foreseeable future.)
When people and technology meet, development cooperation projects face special challenges. One thing is for sure: Wells are not everything. But without wells, all is nothing! Therefore we promote and develop holistic project approaches that go beyond the mere provision of hardware (besides wells, this includes toilets, hand-washing facilities, etc.) and contribute to the long-term operation of these facilities. Viva con Agua constantly develops and optimizes project quality to turn donations into project improvement and investments in sustainability.
What gives you reason for optimism for the future?
We have a positive world view and are optimistic because we are convinced that we can have a positive impact on the world! Thus we don’t focus on problems, but aim to be solution-oriented focusing on the numerous possibilities. We want to develop our own potential within the scope of Viva con Agua. The organisation serves as a platform to provide the general conditions and structures for this purpose. We want to recognize and specifically promote individual strengths.
We have curious readers, eager to get active. How can they get involved with your project?
There are several ways to get involved with our projects: You can support our project by sharing what we do, by donating or by getting a membership. We welcome anyone who wants to get in touch! The easiest way to learn about all the ways of getting involved is visiting our website.
How can they get in touch?
Just look out for us at any festival or concert in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland… usually! At the moment, the easiest way to get in touch with us is via email, our website or social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter). Or just look out for the next volunteer crew in your area. We have over 50 in Germany!