*This post was originally posted on the platform Delta-S. Our consumption of electronics and other technologies are not only endangering wildlife, but also our access to a variety of chemical elements. Perhaps it’s a little biased coming from a chemistry graduate, but chemistry is a very interesting topic. As the study of matter, chemistry tells us a lot about the physical world in which we […]
Not everyone is familiar with financial terms, so let‘s start by defining what a bond is. Very briefly, it is a financial instrument that represents debt obligations and involves borrowing money with the promise of paying it back in full along with interests over time. The guarantee of that promise is known as a bond. It is a type of investment similar to stocks but […]
Sustainability is on the radar of most companies as society is increasingly expecting from businesses more than just delivering a product and making profits. They should go beyond their operations and products and include commitments to ensure social and environmental sustainability. Last month, we published a blog post about how companies can integrate business and sustainability. If you haven’t read it yet, click here. Today, […]
Sustainability is on the radar of most companies as society is increasingly expecting from businesses more than just delivering a product and making profits. They should go beyond their operations and products and include commitments to ensure social and environmental sustainability. According to Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the largest money-management firm in the world with more than USD 6 trillion in assets under management, […]
In our daily life we constantly consume and produce information and data through our online activities. While many corporations benefit and monetize them, this data has a lot of potential and could be used by everybody. As so many people around the world start to experience the effects of climate change, we still don’t have a complete picture of how it will affect us all […]
I was still a child when I heard on the news that more than 100 heads of state met in Rio de Janeiro to discuss environmental issues. It was 1992, and the meeting was called Earth Summit RIO-92. It was the first convention organized by the United Nations on sustainability. Like most of the children at that time, I didn’t understand why this meeting was […]
Since we’ve been throwing it in your faces for the last few weeks, I’m sure you all already know by now that on a worldwide scale, we waste one third of all the food that we produce. Food is such an important part of our lives – to the point that we we would literally die without it – yet we clearly don’t respect its […]
Sometimes when I’m walking through Berlin in the middle of winter, the idea that global warming is happening doesn’t always seem so bad. Saying that, I usually come to my senses when I make it inside and I can feel my hands again. Luckily for us there are a lot of other people in the world with much more persistence than me who work day […]
Food. It’s something we all know and love. Even from a young age I remember the sheer excitement as my mother would pull into the driveway with a fresh load of shopping in the boot, as well as the pang of dread in realising I’d have to set my controller to one side and help carry it into the house. Coming from a Western country […]
On May 15th Greenbuzz Berlin hosted a panel discussion, The Sustainable Side of Technology at the Betahaus Café in Berlin. The discussion took a direction towards digitalization, the relations with broader economy and what are the key trends that are driving the technology industry to become more sustainable and this article aims to consolidate that discussion. The gender balanced panel was composed by Eric Albers, Elena […]
—– On our event, on Feb 14, we talked about minimalism —- Reflecting on my childhood the other day, I realized that most of my memories are related with toys that, in principle, were not traditional store-bought toys. Spending summers in a small village with my siblings and cousins I had the chance to enjoy the fresh air and the natural environment. One of the […]
Worldwide, heat waves account for the deaths of 12,000 people per year while exposure to high levels of air pollution causes up to three million deaths per year. Many of these deaths occur in large urban cities as an increasing number of the earth’s population are choosing to live in urban rather than rural locations. The World Economic Forum (WEF) claims there is “One beautifully […]
As part of its electromobility scheme and its effort to get between 300,000 and 500,000 new electric vehicles on its roads the German government has introduced generous financial incentives to encourage buyers to purchase and use electric cars. The incentives were agreed by Chancellor Merkel in May 2015 and the scheme involves 600 million Euros (approx. $675 million) being set aside to pay purchasers of […]
This post is part of the on-going collaboration between S&S and GreenBuzz to promote increased dialogue between sustainability practitioners, academic experts, and the general public. GreenBuzz chapters in different cities coordinate on-the-ground events for a word-of-mouth driven community of professionals engaged in sustainability, bringing sustainability leaders together to connect with each other and to discuss specific sustainability topics. S&S will publish excerpts, summaries, and discussions […]
This post is part of the on-going collaboration between S&S and GreenBuzz to promote increased dialogue between sustainability practitioners, academic experts, and the general public. GreenBuzz chapters in different cities coordinate on-the-ground events for a word-of-mouth driven community of professionals engaged in sustainability, bringing sustainability leaders together to connect with each other and to discuss specific sustainability topics. S&S will publish excerpts, summaries, and discussions generated by these […]
This post is part of the on-going collaboration between S&S and GreenBuzz to promote increased dialogue between sustainability practitioners, academic experts, and the general public. GreenBuzz chapters in different cities coordinate on-the-ground events for a word-of-mouth driven community of professionals engaged in sustainability, bringing sustainability leaders together to connect with each other and to discuss specific sustainability topics. S&S will publish excerpts, summaries, and discussions generated by these […]
On the 31st May 2016 GreenBuzz Berlin organised and hosted a Sustainability Panel Discussion on the subject of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and its impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This agreement is currently being negotiated between the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA). Commenting on why the topic was chosen Carolin Kruse, a board member of […]
This post is part of the on-going collaboration between S&S and GreenBuzz to promote increased dialogue between sustainability practitioners, academic experts, and the general public. GreenBuzz chapters in different cities coordinate on-the-ground events for a word-of-mouth driven community of professionals engaged in sustainability, bringing sustainability leaders together to connect with each other and to discuss specific sustainability topics. S&S will publish excerpts, summaries, and discussions generated by these […]
September 2015 was a momentous occasion in the history of the United Nations as it marked the occasion in which governments around the world agreed upon, and accepted, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a replacement to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The United Nations acknowledges this and says that “2016 presents an unprecedented opportunity to bring countries and citizens of the world together to […]
This post is part of the on-going collaboration between S&S and GreenBuzz to promote increased dialogue between sustainability practitioners, academic experts, and the general public. GreenBuzz chapters in different cities coordinate on-the-ground events for a word-of-mouth driven community of professionals engaged in sustainability, bringing sustainability leaders together to connect with each other and to discuss specific sustainability topics. S&S will publish excerpts, summaries, and discussions generated by these […]