GreenBuzz Berlin is on a mission! This post is part of our 100 Sustainable Solutions initiative. Learn more about it here.

PlayersBeyond Team

Why does your organisation exist?

People often ask themselves what they can do to tackle the climate crisis. Due to the overwhelming amount of information, however, some may get overwhelmed and resign. But what people like to do is play games! As a lot of money can be made in the mobile gaming market, we wanted to find a better use for the time and money people invest in games. That’s how Players Beyond got started. Our mission is to give everybody the chance to change the world for the better – all while playing games.

What impact do you have?

Well the core of what we do are games: So of course we use analytics to measure participation. The fun people have playing our games is the driver of our success.
More fun = more people playing = more ads being watched = more money to finance cleanups with our NGO partner 5 Minute Foundation. It was important to us to partner with an organisation that focuses on cleanups since plastic has a drastic impact on our oceans, sea life and even our bodies. We’re lucky to have a partner that is not only that, but also certified by the Clinton Foundation.

And of course we try to keep in touch with our Instagram community to share valuable tips for a more sustainable lifestyle.

What are your main challenges? (Now and in the foreseeable future.)

Since there is only so much time in a day, we want to optimize our development process to release more games while improving favorites. Because we’re a young startup, this is especially challenging. We don’t earn any money, but either donate or reinvest it. That means we also maintain our day job, university and social life, while pushing our mission ahead.

Currently we’re continuing to spread the word: Our games give everybody the chance to donate without having to use their own money. And with more users our impact can be even bigger!

What gives you reason for optimism for the future?

Humans have overcome so many obstacles to be where we are today. We’ve built cars, we’ve managed to build rockets to go to another planet and we’ve managed to create plastic as an alternative to ivory. We as a species have shown how creative and innovative we can be at various times. Even right now we see many great solutions to some of the big problems we face today – even plastic.

With the rise of environmental awareness, I’m sure the next years will be very exciting. Change is already happening! We want to enable everybody to be part of it – while still having fun.

We have curious readers, eager to get active. How can they get involved with your project?

Download and play our games! 😀
You can find them on our website as well as the AppStore and GooglePlayStore. You can also read our blog to be updated on the latest news about technology, environmentalism and our mission.

The most important thing is to start taking action. You don’t need to be perfect from day one. But our planet needs us right now and the best thing we can do is to start. No matter how small the action, but start.

How can they get in touch?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re interested in collaborating or just want to say “Hi”: email us at or find us on, Instagram or YouTube.

Sabine Zimmermann
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