Welcome to Green Berlin #1 This will be a monthly series of posts with tips and ideas of initiatives going on in our beautiful city, to inspire you to engage in a more sustainable life. Every month we will share our top five sustainable living tips selected by our members! Do you also know cool places to have a delicious sustainable brunch or a new […]
3 Reasons Why Protecting Our Rivers Is Incredibly Important
If the rainforests are the lungs of the planet, then the rivers can be considered the veins and arteries. For a significant part of human history, rivers have been very important to our species for a multitude of different reasons, taking a dip being only a minor one. Therefore, it’s no surprise we’ve dedicated one day of the year to celebrate them. As an integral […]
Event Review: Sustainable Tourism
Takeaways from our last event and challenges moving forward The idea of ‘sustainable travel’ demands thought and attention – such was clear at our Sustainable Tourism event that attracted a full house at Betahaus on the 3rd of September. We had two speakers: Susana Baumann, the Corporate Social Responsibility Manager at Ventura Travel, and Santeri Lehtonen, a field-tested Ecologist currently working with Impact Entrepreneurship, LCA […]
The Amazon is still burning & what you can do about it
The record-breaking fires in the Amazon have called international attention in the past weeks, making everyone concerned about the future of the most biodiverse rainforest, an ecosystem on which the whole world depends and that plays a key role in reducing climate change. The rainforest is on fire! Experts say that natural fires in the Amazon are rare, and the majority of these fires were […]
The 5 Most Abundant Greenhouse Gases and Where They Come From
There’s more to the greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide. The greenhouse effect is an important part of the reason why our planet is fit for human habitation. However, releasing gases which promote it through human activity into the atmosphere is leading to a warming effect; this is essentially upsetting the Earth’s natural systems. Without pulling any punches, it’s fair to say that humans release a […]
Sustainable Tourism. How can we as visitors be more sustainable when travelling.
Sustainable Tourism. How can we as visitors be more sustainable when travelling? Our next event “Rethinking tourism: How can we make traveling more sustainable?” is just around the corner. Before we get to hear what our panel of speakers has to say on the topic we’ve looked at some things that we as travelers can do to lighten our own impact when we explore. Our […]
The Big Picture: Can the Economy Support a Sustainable World?
It’s a heavy question, and one that many of us probably ponder with anticipation. The shift that our economy needs to make in order to combat the climate crisis is huge, and facilitating a transition on such a scale seems overwhelming. Changes to our economic systems have already been made and are underway but they are insubstantial for the challenge we are facing. GreenBuzz Berlin, […]
Screening of The Ghost Fleet plus Q&A with the director
Event Re-cap: The Ghost Fleet Screening followed by a Q&A with the director On Thursday evening we were hosted by the wonderful Prinzesinnengarten, where we screened the documentary film Ghost Fleet by director Shannon Service. The evening was balmy, the garden filled with the buzz of locals and new-comers, all enjoying the heat of the evening and the lush green surroundings of the community-grown […]
Plastic Free July is Starting Today
Every July, the Plastic Free July movement challenges you to refuse single-use plastic for one month to raise your awareness about your personal consumption habits and reduce your personal plastic consumption. It starts with a month, but might well become a new habit for a lifetime. According to the website, Plastic Free July participants: reduce their household waste on average by 76kg per household per […]
Event Night: Feeding Berlin #2 Challenging the Industrial Food System
Event Re-cap: Feeding Berlin #2 Challenging the Industrial Food System Last night we had the second event of our Feeding Berlin food series called Challenging the Industrial Food System and had some truly inspiring insights from our speakers. Olga Graf, Co-Founder of Food Kompanions, inspired us with new ideas about the future of food. Pointing to key drivers like climate change and technology she discussed […]
Sustainability and Community: the first CONNECT Session
We love to experiment with GreenBuzz. We organized more than 60 events and workshops in the past few years. Still, we are exploring new ways to bring our community together and favour collaboration. On Tuesday we held the first session of our new CONNECT project, an initiative developed by Marco (GreenBuzz, Berlin) and Carrie (CO-Happening!, Paris). The objective of this new program is to support […]
We’re Running Out of Some Rarer Chemical Elements and Our Consumption Habits are to Blame
*This post was originally posted on the platform Delta-S. Our consumption of electronics and other technologies are not only endangering wildlife, but also our access to a variety of chemical elements. Perhaps it’s a little biased coming from a chemistry graduate, but chemistry is a very interesting topic. As the study of matter, chemistry tells us a lot about the physical world in which we […]
Can Green Bonds help to save the planet?
Not everyone is familiar with financial terms, so let‘s start by defining what a bond is. Very briefly, it is a financial instrument that represents debt obligations and involves borrowing money with the promise of paying it back in full along with interests over time. The guarantee of that promise is known as a bond. It is a type of investment similar to stocks but […]
Business & Sustainability Part II – Sustainable Brands
Sustainability is on the radar of most companies as society is increasingly expecting from businesses more than just delivering a product and making profits. They should go beyond their operations and products and include commitments to ensure social and environmental sustainability. Last month, we published a blog post about how companies can integrate business and sustainability. If you haven’t read it yet, click here. Today, […]
4 Changes Ordinary People Can Make to Prevent Water Waste & Pollution
Today is World Water Day so let’s go ahead and talk about water. Why? Water is an essential ingredient to life on Earth. All known lifeforms need and use it. Though perhaps less glamorous than a diamond ring, it is no less precious. In fact, it is probably the resource with the highest intrinsic value. Of the 37 largest aquifer systems in the world – […]
Sustainability: why should business care?
Sustainability is on the radar of most companies as society is increasingly expecting from businesses more than just delivering a product and making profits. They should go beyond their operations and products and include commitments to ensure social and environmental sustainability. According to Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the largest money-management firm in the world with more than USD 6 trillion in assets under management, […]
Sustainability and Spaceships: Open Data Event Review
After a bit of a Christmas break, GreenBuzz was finally back on March 1st. This time we went on a little bit of adventure. Starting at Jannowitzbrücke – something all good stories start with – we and a group of others interested in open data stumbled upon a spaceship, also known by it’s alias c-base. Upon boarding we were exposed to an evening of data; […]
From Data to Action: the Story of Plan A
From Data to Action: The Story of Plan A I know many people who are passionate about environmentalism but feel helpless about their possibility to contribute. How to take action? How to get involved? Job opportunities are still limited, it’s often unclear what projects should be prioritized, and many people don’t feel qualified to have a role in the fight. That’s why meeting a […]
Saving to Selling: A Social Entrepreneur’s Story
The thing that I really liked about our event around the topic of food leftovers earlier this month was the diversity of the speakers. We had one startup whose focus was on food leftovers surrounding freshly prepared food, one organisation whose sole focus was on redistributing food to the needy and another startup whose goal was to make the issue of food leftovers more mainstream. […]
COP24 Background: What did I learn at a climate conference?
I was still a child when I heard on the news that more than 100 heads of state met in Rio de Janeiro to discuss environmental issues. It was 1992, and the meeting was called Earth Summit RIO-92. It was the first convention organized by the United Nations on sustainability. Like most of the children at that time, I didn’t understand why this meeting was […]