Since we’ve been throwing it in your faces for the last few weeks, I’m sure you all already know by now that on a worldwide scale, we waste one third of all the food that we produce. Food is such an important part of our lives – to the point that we we would literally die without it – yet we clearly don’t respect its […]
Feeding Berlin: the challenge of food waste! – A Series of Sustainable Events
In the last year, GreenBuzz has been focusing on the ‘Sustainability Labs’ and so the event on December 6th was a welcome change back to the old ‘Sustainability Drinks’ format. The format is quite simple. We pick a topic and create an event around it, with interested individuals coming by to find out more about said topic, with the chance of networking later in the […]
Sustainable consumption during the festive season- Practical tips for all
It’s that time of year again, bring on the festivities, the food, the gifts. A time of indulgence. This year when you’re planning your Christmas celebrations, you might like to take a couple of minutes to consider sustainable options. Here are my practical tips for being a green Berliner in the festive season: FOOD Source: Wiki Commons Buy local: Eyeing up one big shop at […]
The Story Behind One Woman’s Fight Against Food Waste
Sometimes when I’m walking through Berlin in the middle of winter, the idea that global warming is happening doesn’t always seem so bad. Saying that, I usually come to my senses when I make it inside and I can feel my hands again. Luckily for us there are a lot of other people in the world with much more persistence than me who work day […]
Exploring Food Waste: From Bangalore to Berlin
Food. It’s something we all know and love. Even from a young age I remember the sheer excitement as my mother would pull into the driveway with a fresh load of shopping in the boot, as well as the pang of dread in realising I’d have to set my controller to one side and help carry it into the house. Coming from a Western country […]
GreenBuzz Berlin – An Introduction
As we received so many request about how to support GreenBuzz Berlin, we organized an invite-only information evening for those interested to join us. Below you can find the presentation we created to present what GreenBuzz is doing. If you are a sustainability leader and self-starter with enthusiasm for saving the world, get in touch at and join us.
Sustainability Lab Wedding – Fashion Upcycling, Furniture Rentals and News You Can Use
On September 15th 2018, about 20 people came together for the third GreenBuzz Berlin Sustainability Lab at DAS BAUMHAUS in Berlin-Wedding to jointly work on three challenges that have been proposed by active members of the GreenBuzz community in Berlin. Challenge 1 – Upcycling Challenge by Damar Rivillo: Transforming the unwanted clothes around us is a way to start tackling the waste problem of the […]
The CO-Happening! Concept
Today, we’re calling all dreamers and the crazy ones that believe in making things real. Co-Happening is your creative collaborative playground to Make It Happen!! Whatever is your project, it will probably require tangible results at some point. Also very likely, you cannot achieve entirely alone. If you want to make real progress you will need the skills & knowledge of others. But hang on […]
Zoo Composting at Peace of Land
On July 1st, 2018 GreenBuzz Berlin organized the Sustainability Lab Neukölln, hosting three challenges to support CO2 reduction in your local neighborhood and to promote citizen actions. One of the projects was the Zoo Compost Station, transforming food waste into high-quality bio-eggs, protein and compost. On July 19th we were invited to join the “ZeroWaste – Bring your Compost” party and got a chance to […]
GreenBuzz Sustainability Lab Neukölln – Clean Air, City Compost and Vertical Gardens
On July 1st 2018, about 20 people came together for the second GreenBuzz Berlin Sustainability Lab at CRCLR in Neukölln to jointly work on three challenges that have been proposed by active members of the GreenBuzz community in Berlin. Challenge 1 – Hydroponic Vertical Garden: There is a lot of bare walls in Berlin, 4 stories high, no windows, vast useless emptiness. Until now. Let us […]
The Drivers for Sustainable Technology
On May 15th Greenbuzz Berlin hosted a panel discussion, The Sustainable Side of Technology at the Betahaus Café in Berlin. The discussion took a direction towards digitalization, the relations with broader economy and what are the key trends that are driving the technology industry to become more sustainable and this article aims to consolidate that discussion. The gender balanced panel was composed by Eric Albers, Elena […]
GreenBuzz Sustainability Lab Kreuzberg – How to reduce CO2 in your neighbourhood?
On March 3rd 2018, about 20 people met for the first GreenBuzz Berlin Sustainability Lab at Betahaus in Kreuzberg to work jointly on two challenges that have been proposed by active members of the GreenBuzz community in Berlin. Challenge 1 addressed the idea of creating a “drop-off hub” in Kreuzberg for online shoppers and local business with the goal to receive parcels with bicycles in […]
Minimalism is as personal as taste
—– On our event, on Feb 14, we talked about minimalism —- Reflecting on my childhood the other day, I realized that most of my memories are related with toys that, in principle, were not traditional store-bought toys. Spending summers in a small village with my siblings and cousins I had the chance to enjoy the fresh air and the natural environment. One of the […]
Fashion Week Special
GreenBuzz 5: Sustainable Fashion Stores in Berlin Many of us identify ourselves as people that care about sustainability and are concerned about the effect our consumption is having on our planet. However when talking about getting dressed style and affordability usually plays a major role. That a garment looks good, functions well, and has no negative impact is the goal we should all […]
Networking with a Twist: Making Berlin Sustainable Together
Networking with a Twist brought sustainability professionals, project organisers and enthusiasts together to share collective knowledge regarding sustainability issues. Together, they outlined problems they felt existed in Berlin and local areas, identified current projects in Berlin, discussed changes they would like to see and offered solutions for individual behaviour change. Participants were encouraged to set themselves sustainability goals, connecting and collaborating with people who shared […]
ECO4CLIM17 Berlin: Pictures
On October 5, GreenBuzz Berlin organized ECO4CLIM17 in CRCLR. The first part of the event consisted of a panel discussion with experts on sustainability and entrepreneurship, who discussed how small companies and initiatives can tackle big climate problems. After it, the Climate Awards took place with the presentation of the projects of several preselected ecopreneurs and green SMEs presented their projects. Check the article about […]
ECO4CLIM17: Report
Do you want to know more about the event ECO4CLIM17? Check our report
Planting Trees in Cities Leads to Positive Economic, Environmental and Health Benefits
Worldwide, heat waves account for the deaths of 12,000 people per year while exposure to high levels of air pollution causes up to three million deaths per year. Many of these deaths occur in large urban cities as an increasing number of the earth’s population are choosing to live in urban rather than rural locations. The World Economic Forum (WEF) claims there is “One beautifully […]
DYCLE and Plan A are our Winners of Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2017 Climate Change Awards
GreenBuzz Berlin recently had the honour of organising and hosting the Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2017 (#ECO4CLIM17) event which took place on 5 October 2017 in Berlin, Germany. GreenBuzz member Ana Galán says that it was a “big success” as “we had an outstanding panel discussion with a lot of interesting questions from the audience as well as a high quality of applications. During the […]
German Government Offers Financial Incentives for Electric Cars
As part of its electromobility scheme and its effort to get between 300,000 and 500,000 new electric vehicles on its roads the German government has introduced generous financial incentives to encourage buyers to purchase and use electric cars. The incentives were agreed by Chancellor Merkel in May 2015 and the scheme involves 600 million Euros (approx. $675 million) being set aside to pay purchasers of […]