April 2023
Feeding Berlin #6 – Building a Local Food Economy
At a glance What is a local food system and what will it take to build one that serves everyone along the entire food value chain? Feeding Berlin #6 aims to bring together different actors in the food and agriculture scene – eaters, home cooks, farmers, gardeners, chefs, academic, food collectives, etc. – to explore all of the amazing food projects happening in the city already, and to discuss, debate and dream together what it will take to build a…
Find out more »February 2023
Sustainability Drinks: Entrepreneurs Against Emissions
Green Buzz is back! We're excited to bring Sustainability Drinks back from hiatus at the Plan A offices. Join us for an evening of talks and networking with the community. Entrepreneurs Against Emissions Combatting Carbon through Clean Tech & Voluntary Markets. The evening features two startup founders addressing CO2 in unique ways. We invite them to the mic to share their stories, solutions & sustainability outlook. Whether converting the mobility network of tomorrow into the smart grid of the…
Find out more »September 2021
Feeding Berlin #5: How to be a Climavore
** COVID-19 regulations will be followed. Please bring a mask & proof of a negative Covid-19 test no older than 24hrs. There will be various hygiene stations. Make sure to register on Eventbrite to reserve your ticket - only registered attendees will be allowed in at the venue. ** About this Event As consumers, we make choices every day about the type of food we eat and as such, about the type of food system we support. Our current food…
Find out more »December 2020
Sustainable Holiday Hacks: A Virtual (BYOB) Weihnachtsmarkt
It has been a crazy year! We haven’t had as many opportunities to meet and connect with the GreenBuzz community as we would have liked, but before we (finally) bring 2020 to an end we would love for you to join us for a little holiday spirit!! Your plans might be a little different this year - some of you may not be able to celebrate how you’d like or make it home to see your family - but you…
Find out more »June 2020
GreenBuzz Joint Event: Post Covid-19 – Our Opportunity for a More Sustainable World
For the first time, the GreenBuzz chapters Zurich, Bern, Geneva and Berlin come together for a joint virtual event! Join us to discuss the important topic of ‘sustainability after Covid-19’ and how we can make sure it is still a priority! Throughout this global crisis that we are currently in, it has become increasingly clear that environmental, social and governance sustainability need to be a priority, now more than ever! The crisis has shone a light on the drawbacks and…
Find out more »ONLINE SCREENING: GreenBuzz Berlin & flow : europe // Film Night – Confluir
Please Note: this is an online event -- please join us via Zoom at 8pm --> https://bit.ly/3hepyq8 ✨ What does environmental activism look like in practical terms? What does it take to protect land rights, ecosystems and livelihoods? What role can researchers play in protecting a river? Join us for an evening in collaboration with flow : europe and a preview of their River Film Fest / Flussfilmfest Berlin 2020. We will screen and discuss CONFLUIR, a powerful film about…
Find out more »April 2020
Drinks At My Place – Online Networking Event
‘Social distancing’ doesn’t mean being anti-social. We invite you to join our small and cozy Greenbuzz community networking event. Why? Because we want to help grow long-lasting connections and won’t let our isolation stop us. BYO beer, juice, tea, snacks. This will be a bit of an experimental event, where we will first come together then divide into smaller groups to share our thoughts and stories on a pre-selected range of topics: Here are our conversation starters: What habits and…
Find out more »Sail to the COP: Story of sailing from Europe to COP25 in Chile
During these times of social distancing and self-isolation, we are taking our GreenBuzz events online to continue to bring you some inspiring discussions, to stir reflection and to hear your thoughts! To start with, we shall take you on the journey of Sail to the COP, from the project ideation to the incredible trip across the Atlantic Ocean and the solution-development for creating sustainable change in our transport system. Join our online event to listen to Lena Hartog,…
Find out more »February 2020
BIPoC Perspectives on Sustainability and the Climate Crisis
BIPoC Perspectives on Sustainability and the Climate Crisis The climate crisis is more urgent than ever and at the top of political agendas all over the world. The discourse we hear predominantly in Western media is that of protecting the planet for future generations, though many Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities are already facing consequences of the climate crisis and have been for decades. Decolonization reminds us of the historical injustices that have led our planet to…
Find out more »Minimalism Movie Night
The dark winter days make us want to snuggle up on the couch with a blanket, a cup of tea, and a movie. Social life, see you in spring! Or not.. Greenbuzz is organizing a cosy movie night for you and your friends at Brauhaus Neulich. We will come together with a small group of people to enjoy a crafted beer, a film, and the company of others. If you get hungry you can get fresh dumplings (vegan & vegetarian-friendly)…
Find out more »