Feeding Berlin #6 - Building a Local Food Economy

Sophia Edejer
Sophia was born in the Philippines, raised in Switzerland and moved to Berlin 4.5 years ago, where she quickly became involved in vegan activism. This was an overall frustrating experience, leaving her with the desire to engage in a more local, direct and connected way. Enter, the Torhaus and the KochKollektiv, which she has been a part of since its founding, 2.5 years ago, and has been its coordinator for almost 2 years, helping it to grow after a year of inactivity during the start of the pandemic. Aside from the KochKollektiv, Sophia recently graduated with an M.Sc. in Integrated Natural Resource Management and is aiming to kickstart her career in nature restoration/rewilding in the near future. In general, she is passionate about all things related to sustainability.
About Torhaus e.V. KochKollektiv: The KochKollektiv is a group of food lovers and activists operating as a subgroup of Torhaus e.V., a self-organised community space situated in the former gatehouse of the Tempelhof airport. We are also an official Lebensmittelpunkt (food hub): A place where people come together to address topics around food, sustainability and community, with the support of the Ernährungsrat Berlin. In practice, we hold donation-based events, workshops and community meals, often in collaboration with local initiatives and mainly using foodsaved and vegan ingredients.

Beatrice Walthall
Beatrice Walthall is a Sociologist and Human Geographer with a curious mind. She is also a nature loving person dedicated to fostering food system change on many levels – as a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) member, co-founder of the Food Policy Council Berlin and researcher. Within her research, she is particularly interested in the formation processes of collective action and food system governance aiming at a food system transformation towards more resilience. While researching food system dynamics for 10 years, she has followed and integrated many perspectives, including systems thinking, placed-based and civic-driven approaches, food sovereignty, agroecology and storytelling.
About Leinbiz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research: Mission of ZALF is to deliver solutions for an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable agriculture – together with society. As a contribution to overcoming global challenges such as climate change, food security, biodiversity conservation and resource scarcity, we develop and design crop systems, integrated in their landscape contexts, that combine food security with sustainability. Therefore we process complex landscape data with a unique set of experimental methods, stakeholder engagement as well as socio-ecological approaches.

Eldad Arnon
An entrepreneur and product leader with a great deal of experience in startups, managing and scaling teams, and overseeing company transitions from seed to IPO. Prior to founding tupu, Eldad was leading product & tech teams in fast-growth companies (Delivery Hero, Infarm) and holds +8 years of experience in food tech. He founded tupu with the vision to change the way we produce food and create a carbon-neutral food production system.
About Tupu: We cultivate yummy mushrooms right around the corner. Using our unique way of cultivation, we are able to harvest environmentally friendly products while contributing to carbon neutral food production.

Jonna Meyer-Spasche
As a child, Jonna Meyer-Spasche dipped her hands in the grain sacks at Bohlsener Mühle. The fascination for grains has remained, and so she is one of the initiators of KornLabor, a network and experimental space for people who want to get more out of grain and legumes. In addition, she works for Bohlsener Mühle in political Berlin to make the food system more sustainable.
About KornLabor: We want more diversity in the grain economy - in the fields, in processing, and on the plate. Grains and legumes are mostly interchangeable mass products today and only a few varieties are used for human food. But we believe that we need more diversity - for taste and health, but also for biodiversity and resilience in the fields, especially against climate change. To this end, we want to set up a network in which all those involved can exchange ideas and experience and in which we can collaborate on experiments. We are committed to enabling smaller-scale processing in the Berlin/Brandenburg area so that bakeries or other processing companies - and ultimately consumers! - can get special grains or legumes from the region. https://die-gemeinschaft.net/unsere-mitglieder-jonna-meyer-spasche/

Samie Blasingame
Samie Blasingame (she/her) is a social justice facilitator with a background in environmental policy, intercultural studies, and creative communications. She regularly curates, hosts and facilitates events on topics related to sustainability, environmental justice, anti-racist decolonization, and ecosystem mapping. She is the Creative Director of Food in my Kiez, sits on the board of Greenbuzz Berlin with who she runs the #FeedingBerlin series, and organises with the Berlin-based climate and environmental justice collective, Black Earth.Her work and political ethos revolves around community building and collective imaginations toward a just and resilient future.
Sustainability Drinks: Entrepreneurs Against Emissions

Magnus Drewelies
Magnus is co-founder and CEO of CEEZER. With a background in chemistry and business, he had the chance to gain on-the-ground voluntary carbon experience on the project developer side. At BCG, he worked with global industrials on strategy and performance, including climate mitigation and resilience. Afterwards, he joined BMW's and Daimler's mobility JV, where he served as Chief Strategy Officer for the parking and charging vertical. CEEZER came out of the strong conviction that climate impact needs to be handled with the care, rigor, and data-driven mindset that used to be reserved for financial decisions. Reinforced by many instances of seeing large corporations doing the exact opposite. At CEEZER, Magnus leads the commercial sales motion, as well as everything that no one else wants to do. Outside of CEEZER, Magnus likes climbing, surfing, as well as good wine & food.
About CEEZER: CEEZER is a leading platform to screen, purchase and manage negative emissions for quality - giving organizations seamless access to high-quality and verified carbon removal and avoidance by allowing buyers to build balanced, science-backed portfolios across leading standards seamlessly. CEEZER leverages vast amounts of data on the current carbon market to ensure a clear connection between quality, price, and climate ambition. Thereby, buyers can assess and act on quality risk in their existing portfolio as well as for future purchases. To do so, it partners directly with thousands of project developers on the ground to foster growth on the most durable and permanent removal technologies.

Niclas Lehnert
Niclas is co-founder and CEO of BAVERTIS. In our founding team, I take care of the business side. As a former business student with work experience in banking and consulting, the idea of being an entrepreneur was always tempting. I have always enjoyed working in different areas with new people from all over the world on new challenges. Almost three years ago, during my Masters, the opportunity suddenly presented itself. A friend from high school asked me to join him as he was looking for co-founders. After endless pitches, a TEDx talk and countless hours of work, we are still absolutely thrilled to be shaping the future of sustainable mobility! What helps me keep up the pace is being able to stay focused and change things when necessary. It also helps that I value feedback and try to improve as often as possible. But above all my ambitions and my work, the most important thing is that I enjoy it. I like what I do. When I am not working for BAVERTIS, I enjoy nature. Either in the mountains, climbing or hiking, or just walking in a park and recharging my inner battery for the next challenge.
About BAVERTIS: BAVERTIS' vision is to create a data-driven battery ecosystem for electric vehicles to extend battery life time and enable vehicles to act as a mobile energy storage. In this way, the electrification of mobility can help accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy supply and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The most pressing challenges for vehicle batteries are short life cycles, complex reuse and very limited ability to feed the electricity stored in the vehicle back into the grid. Our technology addresses these issues by using highly accurate battery data and a groundbreaking hardware design. Let´s move electric vehicles beyond mobility!
Feeding Berlin #5: How to be a Climavore

Bacteria Barista / Founder of Edible Alchemy Alexis Goertz: Fermentation - enjoying the harvest all year round
Alexis Goertz, who is the founder of ‘Edible Alchemy’, knows how to turn food in to gold: the secret is called fermentation! In the time of disinfectants, antibiotics and canned food, we forgot about these perfectly probiotic cultures, passed on from generation to generation, the valuable vitamins and nutrients they hold and of course their amazing tastes! Alexis takes the scary concept of ‘bacteria, yeast and mold’ and makes the science behind these seemingly scary topics not only understandable, but fun and extremely delicious. Alexis has taken the ‘Art of Fermentation’ to different countries to explore the meaning of these traditional techniques, share her knowledge and trade bacterial cultures in order to share these unique tastes and practices with others wherever she goes.
About Edible Alchemy: In an antibacterial age, fermentation is quickly becoming a lost art. Edible Alchemy is here to reclaim it as an energy-efficient food preservation technique which has deep roots in our cultural histories. We are captivated and inspired by the way fermented foods engage our senses and enhance whole food eating. Edible Alchemy CoLaboratory is the umbrella of all of our active social platforms that empower members to share knowledge and feedback with us and one another. The aim: to promote healthy lifestyles, food skills and creative experimentation through fermentation and community sharing. We offer on and off-line workshops, talks, Bacteria Bars, special dinners, coaching and foraging tours.
About the talk: Be prepared to get up close and personal with good bacterias and yeasts. We will have our Microbial Circus Freaks on display to see, touch, smell and taste! Edible Alchemy will talk about how fermentation is really turning simple foods into GOLD and how eating regionale and seasonally is easy, delicious, very nutritious and CO2 neutral!

Tash English
Tash is a herbalist, wildcrafter, cook, writer and artist. She spends her time teaching people how to take control of their own health and the health of our plant through various workshops and projects.
About AvantGardenLife: AvantGardenLife is an educational and creative project concentrating on the practice of sustainable wildcrafting, foraging, regional herbalism and nature protection. Our main aim is to bring herbalism and food back to its traditional grass root methods through sustainable, circular and zero-waste practices. We bring people together, through collaborating and working with others, as a team or alone. We hold educational and creative workshops, seminars, create art pieces and interactive art installations.

Co-founder Oriante Bertrand: Discover local and seasonal food
Co-founder of Benoo, an innovative, vegetarian recipe solution with local products delivered to doors to eat sustainably. Our vision is clear: make the world a place of conscious food: a place with better products for you and our planet. Before founding Benoo I worked as Business developer for a training company to empower people in leadership programs in Europe and Africa. Today I am lucky to be part of different communities such as the Do school, Green tech alliance, Project together and Les nouvelles voix.
About Benoo: Benoo is an innovative, vegetarian recipe solution with local products delivered to doors to eat sustainably.
About the talk: Two years ago, my business partner Benedicte and I had a revelation. The food system is not designed to feed us but only to make money. No transparency on the quality or origin of the products, complicated supply chains and a ton of unnecessary plastic.... We have created the benoo box:a recipe box with all the locally sourced ingredients to cook with and to reconnect people with local and seasonal food. It is tasty, inspiring and easy. We're doing good for our health and mother nature! I believe conscious food is the new form of consumption: it’s about being comfortable with your value, and having access to food products that are better for you and our planet. we know, we are just at the beginning and we cannot do it alone. changing an industry requires true heroines and heroes who consciously live in the new food system every day and lead the way. our vision: make the world a place of conscious food. a place where food reunites with the planet and health. Are you in?

Nina Carryer: On food waste and food appreciation - how to be RESTLOS GLÜCKLICH
project coordinator and educator/trainer BNE (Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung - education for sustainable development
About RESTLOS GLÜCKLICH e.V.: Our non-profit organization RESTLOS GLÜCKLICH is campaigning for more appreciation of food’s value and sustainable food consumption. We educate people about climate-friendly nutrition through community projects, interactive activities and individualized workshops. We educate people of all ages to raise awareness about conscientious ways of cooking and handling food. In our workshops, we actively prevent food waste by working with “rescued” surplus food donated from organic supermarkets, giving imperfect produce, like crooked carrots and brown bananas, a chance to become a delicious, creative meal.
About the talk: introducing our NGO, our work and vision
ONLINE SCREENING: GreenBuzz Berlin & flow : europe // Film Night - Confluir

M.Sc. Vera Knook
After graduating as a hydraulic engineer from TU Delft, I joined the Balkan River Defence team to organise the next Balkan Rivers Tour; a activist tour to draw attention towards the unguided hydropower development in the Balkans. Through organising the Students for Rivers Camp, I aimed to involve students and young researchers that are passionate about rivers and want to put their knowledge to action. We found the River Collective and are currently organising our second Students for Rivers Camp in Montenegro. As a kayak instructor and trip organiser, I visited the Marañón River in Peru last year and am now hooked to the beauty of this river and see only reasons to keep it free-flowing.
About River Collective: The River Collective is a network of students, academics, researchers, conservationists and kayakers that have a passion for free-flowing rivers. They combine their resources and expertise to effectively protect rivers from unguided hydropower development and other environmental threats. We establish a strong collaboration between the world of science and local river conservation, involving all fields of knowledge through organising events and supporting innovative research.
BIPoC Perspectives on Sustainability and the Climate Crisis

Wadzanai Motsi-Khatai: Intersectionality in the climate justice movement.
Wadzanai Motsi-Khatai holds a BA in International Relations from Grinnell College and is currently pursuing her Master in Public Administration at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. She has several years of experience working with government, international non-profit organizations, as well as community organizations. Her diverse professional experience includes working with the Government of Zimbabwe to develop national strategies for HIV testing, and treatment for children, working with young political activists in Tunisia, Egypt, Ghana, the Czech Republic and Cambodia, as well as building a community for a circular economy in Berlin, Germany. She is also a regular contributor to the African Affairs Forum in Germany, and initiator of the Sangano Hub, both projects aimed at connecting African policy experts and entrepreneurs, in the German diaspora. Wadzanai is committed to building a more inclusive, mindful and socially just world and collaborating with communities to create new models for living and working together.
About Center for Intersectional Justice: The Center for Intersectional Justice is an independent nonprofit organisation based in Berlin dedicated to advancing equality and justice for all by combating intersecting forms of structural inequality and discrimination in Europe. We bring a paradigmatic shift to anti-discrimination and equality policy at national and European levels and bridge the gap between scholarly research and policymaking on issues of systemic inequality and discrimination. CIJ seeks to influence the public discourse and impact on policymaking through direct advocacy, research and policy advice, as well as publications on issues related to intersectional discriminations based on race, gender, class and all other systems of oppression which sustain inequality. We cover a wide array of policy areas, ranging from employment, education, migration and asylum, to health and the securitization of European states.

Tonny Nowshin: Is climate crisis a culmination of colonial exploitation?
I grew up in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I have been involved with the anti-coal movement in Bangladesh from 2012 that started in response to Bangladesh Government's plan to increase share of coal from 3% to 37% in the national energy source composition. During my high school to university years I was involved with a student organisation that were mobilising to protest privatisation of public sectors like health and education according to IMF and World Bank's Structural Adjustment Plan. I studied Economics, and later specialised in International and Development Economics to gain a deeper understanding of the unequal trade relations and International Development co-operations. I have worked with two of world's leading development NGO- BRAC and ActionAid. My study and professional experience brought me to the realisation of limitation of both the economics theories and development discourse in addressing the increasing wealth inequality and ecological collapse that the world is facing today. I started getting involved with the Degrowth and Climate movement as a response to my understanding. At the moment I am working with the international climate campaigning NGO - 350.org. I focus on networking and mobilising the different diaspora groups to amplify their communities' struggle and bring those struggles at the forefront of the climate movement.
About 350.org: "350 is an international movement of ordinary people working to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-led renewable energy for all."
About the talk: Is there a connection between the colonial past of the lives in our planet and the climate crisis we are facing today? Or is it too far fetched to connect colonialism with everything? In this 15 minutes we will see how the hegemony of a civilisation and it's singular narrative have led to continued marginalisation of not only different world views and ways of living but the whole ecology and mother earth. Leading us to where we are today- facing the ecological collapse as a result of today's human civilisation.

Rebecca Abena Kennedy-Asante: Reclaiming Climate Justice
Rebecca Abena Kennedy-Asante Studied naturopathy, nature conservation and ecology in Berlin and Potsdam. In addition to botany, Abeni is interested in movements that are anti-racist, queer*feminist and ecological.
About BLACK EARTH- BIPoC Environmental & Climate Justice Kollektiv Berlin: Abeni is part of a Black and People of Colour group, which is reclaiming environmental and climate justice. "BLACK EARTH- BIPoC Environmental & Climate Justice Kollektiv Berlin" deals with sustainability, veganism, environmental and climate justice from Black and PoC perspectives. How do the oppression of marginalized groups and the exploitation of ecosystems relate to each other? Which ecosystems and people are particularly affected by climate change? The aim is not only to question the white and cis heterodominated left-wing activist*environmental scene, but also to create a space for intersectional activism in which BIPoC feel comfortable.

Karin Louise Hermes: Who gets to be called a climate activist?
Karin Louise Hermes is a PhD Candidate in American Studies at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She has an MA in Pacific Islands Studies from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa with a focus on cultural identities and national consciousness in urban Papua New Guinea, and a BA in Ethnology & Sociology from the University of Heidelberg. Her PhD project titled “Conflicting Epistemologies on the Relation to the Land in Hawai‘i” on human-environment relations focusses on the Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) concept of “aloha ‘āina” (“love of the land”). She has lived in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Hawai‘i.
About Independent Consultant: Available for articles, talks, etc. on the described topics of research and activism.
About the talk: Environmentalist, climate activist, land protector, the labels and terms for protecting the environment vary over time and with identity. This talk is about who is heard and who is seen as a so-called “climate activist” with examples from the Wet'suwet'en Nation and the Philippines. Climate change impacts women and members of other vulnerable and structurally-disadvantaged communities like Indigenous Peoples more severely as they may have less access to resources. Indigenous land protection is linked with Indigenous sovereignty but is often sidelined or depicted as more violent than other civil disobedience strategies in climate activism. Meanwhile, Indigenous knowledge systems of living from and with the land are being incorporated into climate policies, however, Indigenous Peoples are faced with some of the largest structural barriers to representation on an international level. Leaning on Māori activist Kera Sherwood-O’Regan's quote: “As we grow and climate change becomes a harsher reality, privileged activists need to learn to de-centre themselves and meaningfully support Indigenous, disabled, queer, global south, POC, and other marginalized people who are on the frontlines of climate change,” what would meaningfully support mean and how do we as fellow BIPOC amplify other voices and stories? What do we do against being called upon as a token when climate organizations needed an inspiring story or a “diverse” voice, contacts for a campaign, or to participate in a workshop or action for “fun” when some organizations’ strategies don’t take race into account?
Finance the change: How green is your pocket?

Oliver Ginsberg
Oliver had a long sustainability activist and entrepreneurial career before he entered the investment and insurance industry sector. 40 years ago he was co-founder of the German Green Party. He finished his academic career with a degree in landscape planning and natural resources management and ran one of the first organic vegetarian restaurant and catering services in Berlin from 1990.
20 years ago he started to get involved in sustainable investments and made it his main professional occupation in 2004 joining Ökoworld – a German sustainable investment fund pioneer.
Ten years ago he decided to become an independent advisor, broker and coach founding an investment and insurance services agency in Berlin-Kreuzberg: tetrateam.
Apart from his professional work he has been involved with NGO’s like Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen and Ökofinanz 21 to help improve transparency standards of sustainable investment products. He is also advisory board member of the sustainable business association “dasselbe in grün”.
About tetrateam: tetrateam is Berlin-based consultancy with a focus on sustainable investments has a tetrahedron as its brand logo incorporating not only traditional finance planning, but also sustainable aspects – ecological, social and economic factors.
About the talk: About the talk: In his talk „sustainable investments“ Oliver will show how sustainability aspects do have impact on investment risks and returns. Sustainable investments are not only ethical but reasonable from a financial point of view. He will also give a short overview of investment tools.

Dubslaff Julia
Julia is founding member of Facing Finance, a Berlin based NGO that keeps a close eye on the financial sector. She believes in the enormous impact financial institutions have on the real economy- in the good and the bad. By granting financial services, banks channel the money of their clients to companies, and by investing in their equities and bonds, insurers and asset managers keep the companies alive and kicking. In Facing Finance, Julia is responsible for the research of financial data, so she is very close to the core of the financial sector- and the flow our money.
About Facing Finance: Facing Finance e.V. is a non-profit organisation headquartered in Berlin that takes a stand against corporate violations in the areas of environment and climate change, labour and human rights, corruption, and any use of weapons that are against international law.
About the talk: About the talk: Julia can tell you how to find out if your bank, insurer or mutual fund is supporting a sustainable economy, or if it just claims to do so.

Inas Nureldin
Inas Nureldin is the founder of Tomorrow. After his studies of corporate management and economics, he co-founded a cloud software company which today is the market leader in food chain traceability software. After his exit, he followed his passion for combining entrepreneurship with environmental and social impact and founded Tomorrow.
About Tomorrow: Tomorrow is building the world's first sustainable digital bank. In addition to cutting-edge digital features, Tomorrow contains a variety of ways to use finance for good: With its customer deposits Tomorrow finances renewable energies, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and microcredits. The Tomorrow debit card supports climate protection projects with every user´s transaction.
Feeding Berlin #4: Alternative food choices for a healthy diet within planetary boundaries

Olga Graf: Can we all become climavores?
Olga Graf is a researcher and designer who is passionate about food. Growing up in rural Siberia she got familiarized with farming, foraging, slaughtering and fermenting at early age. Her history, passion and professional path have finally lead her to co-founding Food Kompanions two years ago.
About Food Kompanions: Food Kompanions is a young agency that focuses on research and food systems design across the food supply chain. Following the nature- and human-centric approach, Food Kompanions has been able to complete projects in the fields of rural development, food craftsmanship and communal feeding.
About the talk: In her talk „Can we all become climavores?“ Olga will be speaking about the necessity of changing our approach to meat consumption. Referring to several studies, she will be revealing possible alternatives to meat that exist today or are emerging. She will be looking at their advantages, disadvantages, ethics and climate neutrality.

Csaba has been working as a project finance banking professional, he’s been managing commercial real estates, and he runs his own financial institution that helps SME companies access European Union funds and financing. He often consults entrepreneurs on feasibility before taking on an investment - or assists investors with their due diligence. After a couple of acquisitions, Csaba became the CEO and co-founder of a pasta factory. Running the operation for the past two years, he developed a passion for food and decided to dedicate his business focus to this area. He currently lives and works in Budapest, Hungary.
About Plantcraft Innovations Ltd.: Plantcraft is a plant-based protein innovator. Our plant-based deli range is soy and gluten free, clean-label and nutrient-dense – all developed using our unique foodtech IP, based on 20 years of research.
About the talk: While the majority of the plant based innovation is aimed at dairy and beef, the devastating impact of pork consumption goes mostly unnoticed. Air toxicity around hog farms, methane and other GHG produced by the animals and their manure, wasteful feed to food ratios, overflowing waste lagoons are not getting great attention in the news, as the demand for pork products continues to rise. And in the US and Europe, most of that demand is driven by the deli meat category. Plantcraft is a foodtech innovator and this is their story about how they changed from developing pasta products to full focus on alternative deli meats.

Yunha Hwang
Yunha is the head of data science at Mushlabs. She studied computer science and geomicrobiology at Stanford University and previously conducted research in computational genomics. She is passionate about applying our collective biological knowledge to restore circularity in our economy, particularly in our food system. Her work at Mushlabs ranges from data analytics, scientific research to science communication. Trained in computer science and bioinformatics, she believes that data can power innovation in biotech and foodtech industries. She was born in South Korea, grew up in the UK and lived in California until she moved to Berlin two years ago.
About MushLabs: Mushlabs is a technology-driven company that produces food from edible mushroom mycelia. Our fermentation platform allows us to unlock the potential of an overlooked kingdom of life - fungi - as a foodsource. Mushlabs is dedicated to building solutions that change the way we consume food, by producing food that is good to our senses, our bodies and our planet.

Albrecht Wolfmeyer: Starting up strong: Promoting innovation in the plant and cell-based food start-up sector
Albrecht Wolfmeyer heads the new ProVeg Incubator, the first incubator for innovative plant-based and cultured animal products. He has extensive professional experience in international profit and non-profit organizations and is an expert in NPO management, marketing and communications, strategy and project lead. Albrecht was the co-founder and managing director of an online fundraising startup. He studied in Berlin, Toronto, Paris and Fribourg.
About ProVeg / ProVeg Incubator: ProVeg is a leading international food awareness organisation working across four continents, with ongoing plans for future expansion. We are a fast-growing organisation with global reach and ambition. The ProVeg Incubator is the first incubator in the world to facilitate a programme that supports startups which aim to transform global food culture – by replacing traditional animal-based foods with plant-based and cultured animal products. Based in Berlin, the ProVeg Incubator aims to give emerging entrepreneurs the tools to create, collaborate, grow, and scale.
About the talk: The ProVeg Incubator supports startups that aim to transform the global food culture by replacing traditional animal-based foods with plant-based and cultured animal products. Based in Berlin, the ProVeg Incubator offers a challenging programme that is customised to every batch of new intakes, giving emergent and established entrepreneurs the tools to create, collaborate, grow, and scale. Get to know our strategy, services, and partners and hear about the most promising startups and their disruptive innovation potential.
Perspectives on Sustainable Architecture – from concept and process to practice

Ivan Ralis
Architect with 15 years of experience and the co-founder of We-Building e.V. There I am in charge of the architecture department and, together with other colleagues, trying to make a bit more sense of our own profession. Our first project was an elementary school in Darmang, Ghana which was completed in 2018. Born in Croatia, living in Berlin for 7 years now.
About We Building e.V.: WEbuilding is a Berlin-based non-profit organization founded by an international group of architects, united by a common purpose: to help deprived communities through sustainable building projects. We serve as the support for the local NGOs, so that they can develop projects for various public buildings. With our architectural background, we believe we can provide valuable technical expertise so these projects can be done as efficiently as possible.
About the talk: What does being sustainable really mean to us as architects? Based on the "non profit" projects we have been working on I will share some of the experience we gathered along the way.

Leonard Schrage: Architecture 5.0
I’m an interdisciplinary designer and researcher, who is particularly interested in holistic problem solving with a distinct focus on sustainability. With degrees in architecture and growing up with a fascination for technology, my journey has taken me to working in fields of architecture, digital strategy, business innovation, and urban design.
About Leonard Schrage + kubisch, Dirty Work, TU Berlin: See leonardschrage.com, kubisch.io, dirty.work, chora.tu-berlin.de
About the talk: Architects (alongside other members of the creative class) have been increasingly pushed to the end of the value-chain. Once employed as social and political designers, they are now limited to making the investors excel sheets' manifestations look pretty. I'll be discussing ways of empowering architects to take ownership in their projects, which is crucial in implementing change towards a sustainable future on a planetary scale.

Nina Pawlicki: Taller Tropical - Designing and Building within the Informal
Nina Pawlicki has been a teaching and research associate at the Technische Universität Berlin since 2013 - previously with the Habitat Unit and since 2017 at the Natural Building Lab. Since 2009, when she participated in CoCoon's DesignBuild-Studio 'Praktikumsseminar Mexiko‘ as a student, her practice, research and teaching are dedicated to the DesignBuild methodology. She became part of the CoCoon-Studio in 2011 and the Urban Oasis collective in 2017. In late 2019 she handed in her doctoral thesis entitled Agency in DesignBuild. Within her work she is facilitating intercultural, hands-on and community-based projects on the interface between academia and non-academia. Through transdisciplinary approaches she is seeking to investigate how community engagement processes can lead to the design of more inclusive and diverse living environments. The main objective is to develop and implement contextual, sustainable and locally appropriate strategies and built solutions. Nina studied architecture at the Technische Universität Berlin and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She graduated at TU Berlin as a Diplom Ingenieurin für Architektur in 2011. As part of an international consortium she co-initiated and co-directed the development of the online platform dbXchange.eu within a research project funded by the European Union from 2013- 2016. As an architect, researcher and teacher she was involved in award winning building projects in Mexico, Jordan, Mongolia, Germany and Colombia in her role as a project initiator, coordinator or director. She also has a wide range of experiences from her time working as a freelance architect for various architecture offices. www.urban-oasis.de I www.urbanlabmedellinberlin.com I www.nbl.berlin I www.cocoon-studio.de I www.dbXchange.eu
About Urban Oasis: Urban Oasis is a collective based in Medellín and Berlin. In 2016 they started the Urban Lab Medellín I Project - an international think and do tank that brings together inhabitants, students, architects, local authorities, and other urban actors from Colombia and Germany in a process of co-production, to research, discuss, design and build jointly. Cultural exchange and empiric knowledge transfer generate synergies, mutual learning effects and create innovative solutions for inclusive and sustainable urban transformations.
Rethinking tourism: How can we make traveling more sustainable?

Santeri Lehtonen: How to create conscious travel solutions
Santeri is a field-tested Ecologist currently working with Impact Entrepreneurship, LCA and Climate Action, with a special interest in Sustainable Food Systems, Sustainable Travel and Communication. He facilitates workshops in Climate Impact Forecast and Sustainable Business, mostly for startups and SMEs. His favourite child however is his low-carbon travel planning project: vojo (https://www.vojo.me/). Santeri will also be joining 'Sail-to-the-COP' (https://www.sailtothecop.com/), travelling via sea and land to COP25 in Chile, as a representative of Climate-KIC, hosting the Atlantic Ocean Climathon onboard the sailboat Regina Maris.
About vojo: vojo is a tool empowering climate-conscious travellers to plan low-carbon ground travel across Europe. The platform delivers user-friendly route planning and visualizes the impact of travel choices by calculating the carbon footprints.
About the talk: The climate crisis looms above our heads - yet aviation, one of the worst polluting sectors - continues to grow with no signs of slowing down, or no techno-fixes in sight to suddenly decarbonise the industry. How can we build solutions in the fight against a powerful enemy, and seemingly unstoppable growth? What are the physical, societal, behavioural and political barriers we are confronted with? vojo is experimenting with empowering citizens, but does the buck really stop at the individual?

Susana Ceron Baumann: What does sustainable travel mean?
Voluntary social commitment & working in the tourism industry are my two great passions! I have been working in tourism since 2000 & hold a degree in Tourism Business Administration (BA). Since 2016 I work for www.venturatravel.org as the CSR Manager. Besides that I am the Coordinator of the www.VSocialFoundation.org I am very happy, because I can finally live out my two great passions in one job! Over the years I have been involved in various international social projects, including a soup kitchen for the poor in New York City, homeless relief work in Berlin, etc. Since 2013 I have been coordinating a small project in Tamil Nadu India to provide access to education for 35 casteless girls. In 2015 I founded one of the largest voluntary initiatives in refugee aid in Berlin www.GermanNow.de
About Ventura TRAVEL: Ventura TRAVEL is a global network of tourism experts, who create, launch and support highly specialized, individually branded travel services.
About the talk: I will give insights into how sustainable travel can be designed using the example of Ventura TRAVEL. I also want to give food for thought so that the audience will hopefully consider sustainable forms of travel when booking their next trip. As an ambassador for sustainable travel, I am happy to infect others with my passion!
The Big Picture: Can The Economy Support a Sustainable World?

Anna Bonan: Rethink ownership
Anna is a corporate lawyer with experience both in law-firms and as in-house legal counsel in Italy and Germany, where she advised on several M&A transactions. She strongly believes in the necessity of a more sustainable economy and equitable society. She recently joined Purpose to use her expertise to pursue a change in this direction. At Purpose she supports the development and spread of steward-ownership structures internationally with a focus on Latin America. Anna is also associate of On Purpose, the purpose-before-profit leadership programme.
About Purpose Stiftung gGmbH: The Purpose Network helps companies to stay independent and mission driven for the long term. We believe that by innovating the way companies are owned, financed and governed, companies become more successful in the long term and can benefit all of society.
Steward-owned companies make a legally binding commitment to their employees and customers: that the company is not as a speculative good or commodity but a group of people working for a purpose. The legal structure is a clear and strong statement that they are inherently prosocial companies and serve their purpose. The wealth those companies create furthers the public benefit and they strengthen a decentralized economy.
About the talk: How can we create an economy that serves people, society and the planet?
Ownership is the legal DNA of companies and economy and therefore at the core of this question.
The mission of the Purpose Foundation is to support companies and entrepreneurs for whom purpose is at the core of their business. These businesses are looking for governance and financing solutions that align with their values and will protect their mission and independence for the long-term. The steward-ownership model is a critical and powerful mechanism for preserving a company’s essential purpose and protecting it from extractive capital to achieve the most needed change in the economic paradigm: from profit-maximisation to purpose-maximisation. During this talk we will understand what steward-ownership is and what an essential role it plays for a sustainable economy.

Claas Kauenhowen
I am an entrepreneur, coach, trainer and visionary. After selling my last commercial company and after going through private bancruptcy, I label myself as someone who met the boundaries of our systems and the end of its functionality. As a public speaker, I offer thoughtful content and as a focus: transformation on all levels. I do not go for information exchange - I go for impact, moving the audience and leaving a footprint.
About UChange UG, XScale GmbH: UChange is focusing on transformation of the individual. XScale is focusing on transformation of organisations. Together, we provide a non-gap approach into facilitating and leading transformational evolution and change.

Jessica Berlin
A security and foreign policy expert turned sustainable business and development innovator, Jessica Berlin helps governments, companies, and nonprofit organizations to tackle global challenges with sustainable, scalable solutions. As founder and Managing Director of CoStruct, she designs innovative PPP, CSR, and economic development programs that drive both business growth and societal impact. Her work is grounded in 12+ years of cross-cutting experience in foreign policy, security, economic development, entrepreneurship, and tech innovation in Africa, Asia, Europe, MENA, and the US. She is a frequent panelist and keynote speaker on foreign affairs, policy innovation, Tech4Dev, and the future of aid. Her TEDx talk on the transatlantic democratic crisis has been described as “brilliant”, “moving”, and “one of the most powerful and inspiring TED talks” (https://youtu.be/vi91VI71Nj8). Jessica holds an M.Sc. in Political Economy of Emerging Markets from King’s College London, a B.A. in International Relations from Tufts University, and speaks five languages.
About CoStruct: Based in Berlin, CoStruct is a strategy advisory and 'do tank' at the intersection of business, technology, policy, and sustainable development. Leveraging our team's cross-cutting international and intersectoral expertise, CoStruct helps companies, governments, and nonprofit organizations build and scale sustainable, scalable CSR, PPP, and economic development programs. With our partners and projects in Africa, Asia, Europe, and MENA, we aim to co-struct a more equitable, sustainable future for business and development in the 21st century.

Professor Dirk Philipsen: Less is Better
Dirk Philipsen teaches economic history at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy. He also serves as Senior Fellow at the Kenan Institute for Ethics, co-director of the Duke Sustainability Engagement Certificate, Fellow at the Royal Society of Arts, and founding associate of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance. His research and writing is focused on sustainability, wellbeing economics, and the history of capitalism. His latest work is published by Princeton University Press under the title The Little Big Number – How GDP Came to Rule the World, And What to Do About It (2015/17). His current work is focused on alternative economic performance indicators, the nature and logic of economic growth, and the moral imperative of decoupling material throughput from human development.
About Duke University: The Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University educates tomorrow's leaders and improves the quality of public policymaking through teaching, research, professional training, and policy and community engagement.

Mr. Juan Pablo Osornio: The role of business in a 1.5 degrees Celcius world
As a political and business analyst with 15 years of experience, has spent the last five years working on the transformation to a low-carbon economy in line with the 1.5 degrees Celsius limit, Juan Pablo coordinates Greenpeace’s global climate political work across issue areas and its national and regional organisations. He provides quality strategic advice to global program planning, enabling the organisation to influence the political environment and challenge power. Formerly with Ecofys as a consultant on energy efficiency, Juan Pablo has also worked at the European Climate Foundation and was a lead on strategic alliances at the International Council on Clean Transportation. He has been with Greenpeace since July 2017 and is based in Berlin.
About Greenpeace International: Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace. Protecting and conserving the climate means ensuring the implementation of decarbonisation measures at a scale and pace consistent with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change SR15 1.5oC (LED) pathway; broadly speaking that means global CO2 emissions must be halved by 2030 before falling to net zero by mid century at the latest – targets achievable only with strong political pressure and widespread public support for action.
About the talk: The talk will focus on a reorientation of business practices towards services rather than products and the type of services and products needed to protect humanity's standard of living while staying within planetary boundaries. What does that mean for politics? What does that mean for consumers?
Feeding Berlin #2: Challenging the industrial food system

Anna Beros: FoodCoop Neukölln as a Coop Blueprint
New Zealand born Australian Stand-Up Comedian, Kindergarten Assistant and English Teacher in Berlin.
About FoodCoop Neukölln: We are an association of private households that collectively procure local and organic food or fair trade food from the grower or wholesaler and distribute it amongst ourselves at the purchase price. The resulting work is split. Necessary decisions are taken at the plenum, which takes place approximately every six weeks. In doing so, we feel committed to the principle of consensus.
About the talk: The FoodCoop Neukölln: What, Why and How.

Founder Olga Graf: Food Craftmanship and the New Food Economy
Olga is a graduated product and service designer and Co-Founder of Food Kompanions. She has been working in the food industry since 2012 and was hence able to gather many insights across the food value chain. She is an initiator, project manager and team coach, working with nature and human-centered innovation in combination with agile values and principles. In addition to her role at Food Kompanions, she is a board member of the Good Textiles Foundation, chair of the Butcher's Manifesto and a strategic partner at J2C.
About Food Kompanions: Food Kompanions brings the food focus to the innovation agency J2C - Journey 2 Creation. It is our mission to create innovative solutions for better food along the entire supply chain. In order to create lasting value and meaningful impact, we focus on the needs of humans and nature alike. We conduct field and trend research as a basis for the development of future scenarios, which in turn lead to innovation projects. We work according to agile principles, using Design Thinking, Service Design, Lean UX and Scrum. Each project is tailor-made according to the needs of our partners and implemented in co-creation. With our expertise in the food sector and in agile methods we aim to contribute to a diverse network of sustainable food ecosystems around the world .
About the talk: In her talk „craftsmanship in the digital age“ Olga will be speaking about the relevance of bringing tradition and innovation together in the digital era. She will be giving a glimpse into the New Food Economy, it’s drivers and a group that is often being left out when we talk about innovation and digitization: small scale farmers, craftsmen and -women.
Creating Communities that Matter

Maaike Hoogstede: The Paradox of Growth in Community Building
I am fascinated with connection. Between body, mind and breath, on the mat. Between people, off the mat.
About Impact Hub Berlin: Impact Hub Berlin is the catalyst for social innovation. We are a community, a consultancy and a creative space. As part of the biggest network for social innovation worldwide we inspire, connect and enable our local community of changemakers to develop their ideas for a more sustainable world. We provide access to training and support, workspaces, lectures, training workshops, community networking events and incubation programs. Moreover we create professional programs for local & global companies, organizations and institutions from diverse sectors; working on the intersection of society, economy and politics. Uniting people from every profession, background and culture, Impact Hub Berlin was founded by Nele Kapretz, Anna Lässer and Leon Reiner in April 2014. The first Impact Hub opened in 2005 in London - today, more than 100 hubs in over 54 countries with +15000 members are part of the global network.
About the talk: Community building goes beyond free food. At Impact Hub we have figured out the right recipe. However, with a growing community, a new challenge arose. In this talk, I will share some of the basic ingredients that has made our community one that matters, and our response to the challenge that we faced.

Dr Michelle Zucker
Michelle believes the only way to make big, bold and meaningful change is to bring people together. She has worked extensively in complex innovation initiatives, exploring ways to tackle long standing and systemic challenges. Over the last 15 years she has worked in innovation across the entire spectrum – from grass roots through to whole systems. Michelle uses these skills in her current role as Director, Community Activation at EIT Climate-KIC, a pan-European innovation initiative for Climate Change. Michelle started her career as a pure researcher, with a PhD in Biochemistry (using food to prevent cancer) and an Honours degree in Neuroplasticity (how the brain can change), before becoming passionate about human-centred design, ethnographic research and the intersection of people, technology and innovation.
About EIT Climate-KIC: EIT Climate-KIC is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy. Supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, we identify and support innovation that helps society mitigate and adapt to climate change. We believe that a decarbonised, sustainable economy is not only necessary to prevent catastrophic climate change, but presents a wealth of opportunities for business and society.
We’re drowning in information. How can we use public data for sustainability?

Julius Tens
I started working on open source projects - especially in the context of public transportation - in 2015, which is also when I joined the OK Lab Berlin. Due to my involvment within the public transport community, I also do part-time work as a developer at Deutsche Bahn since last year. Finally, I am studying mathematics and physics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
About OK Lab Berlin: The OK Lab Berlin is an open group of 15-25 people who meet on a weekly basis and collaborate on projects with a focus on open source, civic tech and open data. We are part of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany's "Code for Germany" project, which also includes similar labs in more than 25 other cities and regions.

Miss Lubomila Jordanova
Lubomila Jordanova is the founder and CEO of Plan A, the first data-driven action platform in the fight against climate change. Prior to Plan A she worked in the investment banking, venture capital and fintech in Asia and Europe. She holds a Master in Management degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
About PlanA.Earth GmbH: Plan A is the first data-driven action platform in the fight against climate change. We use data to predict where and how climate change will hit the hardest and based on the insights, channel capital from planet-conscious businesses to environmental organisations and innovators who address these issues in the affected locations.
Feeding Berlin - The challenge of food waste!

Franziska Lienert: Too Good To Go - saving food from being wasted
Academic career: Bachelor in Musicology and German Studies at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and Universidad de Salamanca Master in Communication and Culture Management at Zeppelin Universität Professional career: Communications Manager at Social Business Head of own festival , including Foodsharing as part of catering Event Manager of sustainability award show Since September 2017 Marketing and PR Manager at Too Good To Go
About Too Good To Go GmbH: 1/3 of all produced food is being wasted. But there is a solution! Too Good To Go is the number 1 app for fighting foodwaste. It is our goal that all food produced equals food consumed. Through the free app all food selling stores (restaurants, cafés, supermarkets, hotels, bakeries...) can sell the food that couldn't be sold during the day in the app for a reduced price and nothing has to be wasted. That's good for everyone: the customer gets a delicious meal for a low price, the store doesn't have to waste perfectly great food and above all the environment doesn't suffer. Win-Win-Win!
About the talk: The talk will outline the current situation of foodwaste and the impact it has regarding climate change. As a solution to this global challenge the app for foodsaving Too Good To Go will be introduced. Simple digital solutions like the app play a crucial role in modern society and can be used for a more sustainable future.

Timo Schmitt
Active since 2008 against food waste. As a graduate in ecotrophology, I has been working for the Berliner Tafel since 2010. In addition to the establishment of a nutrition education project for children and adolescents, since five years chiefly responsible for food hygiene, quality management and campaign work of the Berlin Tafel against food waste. Also active in the same area for numerous other food savers. Member of the Berlin Food Council especially for the topics neediness, food appreciation and food sovereignty.
About Berliner Tafel: Berliner Tafel e.V., founded as a non-profit organization in Berlin, is the oldest Tafel in Germany. Since 1993, the members, helpers of Berliner Tafel e.V. have been collecting donated food and passing it on to more than 300 social institutions in the capital. About 600 activists of the Berliner Tafel collect food, sort and distribute up to 600 tons per month. The Berliner Tafel thus reaches over 125,000 Berliners every month - one third of them are children and adolescents.

Raphael Fellmer: From dumpster diver to Social Entrepreneur
The initiator is Raphael Fellmer, who has been campaigning against food waste since 2009. More than 35.000 food savers have already committed themselves to the cause through the movement foodsharing he founded.
About SIRPLUS UG: SIRPLUS is a supermarket that sells food, which has been sorted out by other players along the supply chain. We revolutionize the food saving through our rescuer markets in Berlin including online shop & nationwide delivery service, as well as digital marketplace for excess food. Our mission is to end food waste and create awareness of the value of all food.
About the talk: Raphael Fellmer is a passionate social entrepreneur and co-founder of the Berlin Impact Startup SIRPLUS which is saving surplus food along the value chain and sells it via food outlet stores and an online shop. Raphaels goal is to make foodsaving mainstream and to raise appreciation for all food. Since 2009 he is tackling food waste and lived 5 years in a “money strike” to create awareness for food waste and how everyone can live more sustainable and easily reduce one’s carbon footprint. He is co-founder of foodsharing, a voluntary movement of more than 45.000 foodsavers who saved already 20 Mio. kilograms of surplus food in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. The Berlin based father of two kids is author, keynote speaker and famous for his engagement and media presence against waste and for a sustainable world in which everyone can pursue his dreams and unfold their potential.
Syntropic Farming Discovery Workshop

Ursula Artzmann Ursula Artzmann: Syntropic Agriculture Discovery Workshop
Ursula Arztmann is a co-founder of Life In Syntropy and after having worked closely to Ernst Götsch, she gives workshops in Europe as part of the initiative to spread the knowledge of Syntropic Agriculture. She combines her studies in sustainability & ecology with a long term experience in business (technical R&D, IT, People Development) and graphic recording/ illustration.
About Life in Syntropy: its mission is to increase the number of syntropic projects, farms and livelyhoods around the globe.
Bike Tour / Transport Transition: Challenges, Chances and Solutions

Katja Täubert
MA Technology and Ressources management, Urban and Regional Planning
About VCD - Verkehrsclub Deutschland e.V. ( An organization for sustainable mobility): We lobby for sustainable transportation: walking, cycling, public transportation and multimodality. We enable projects, elaborate guidelines for cities, companies and private persons, inform society through our magazine and actively go on streets via demonstrations etc.

Luise Kranich
Luise Kranich, manager of the FZI (Research Centre for Information Technology) Branch Office Berlin. In addition to network building and maintaining the Berlin network of partners, she is also responsible for the research focus "Digital Sovereignty“ and the accompanying research on the technology program "Smart Data - Innovations in Data" of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) She represents the thematic area "Digital Spaces" on the board of the research campus Mobility2Grid. Before, she was operating as a project coordinator at the "Connected Living" center of innovation and as Head of Business Development at moreTV GmbH. Luise Kranich studied industrial engineering with business studies at the TU Berlin and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).
About FZI (Research Centre for Information Technology) / also campus Mobility2Grid.: The FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie is a non-profit institution for IT-, applied research and technology transfer.
About the talk: Luise Krannich will be interviewed by Carrie Hampel about issues regarding the use of data across transport services. Who is tracking us and why? What is required for safe and reliable transport apps? How can interconnected intermodal transport work?
The Sustainable Side of Technology

Erik Albers
Erik is an advocate for user's and software freedom and a defender of the commons. He is the FSFE's community-builder who loves to help our friends and supporters all over Europe to engage for Free Software. As a part thereof, Erik also organizes the FSFE community events and our internal and external community communication. If you have a question or you are looking for help for your FSFE activity, Erik is the one to contact (OpenPGP).
About Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE): Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology. Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives; and it is important that this technology empowers rather than restricts us. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt and share software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.

Elena Poughia
Elena Poughia is Managing Director of Dataconomy Media GmbH and the Founder & Head Curator of Data Natives, Europe's largest data science conference. She has curated and organized events all over Europe, before launching Data Natives Conference in 2015. Elena studied economics at Durham University in the UK and afterwards earned a degree in modern and contemporary art from Glasgow University. She has worked for internationally renowned art institutions such as the Gagosian Gallery and the Athens Biennale. During this time she also co-founded the Fasma Festival of Arts and successfully launched her independent art publication Dialogos. Continuing with this entrepreneurial spirit, together with her team, she developed Data Natives into an important meeting point for experts from the fields of data science, data analytics and machine learning. In addition, Elena is particularly committed to supporting women by helping them become established in tech professions.
About Dataconomy Media: Dataconomy is the #1 media platform for the data-driven generation. Our aim is to educate our community of data enthusiasts with thought-provoking content, pioneering research and knowledge from a worldwide network of business professionals, entrepreneurs, techies, researchers and students.

Prof. Dr. Tilman Santarius: Smart green World? Digitalization between Surveillance, Commerce, and Sustainability
Tilman Santarius is professor at the Technical University of Berlin and the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) and writes on topics such as climate policy, world trade, sustainable economics, global justice and digital transformation. Apart from numerous articles, Tilman co-authored the books “Fair Future. Limited Ressources, Security, and Global Justice” (zed books, 2007); “Slow Trade – Sound Farming. A Multilateral Framework for Sustainable Markets in Agriculture” (www.ecofair-trade.org, 2007); “Rethinking Climate and Energy Policies” (Springer, 2016); and “Smarte grüne Welt. Digitalisierung zwischen Überwachung, Konsum und Nachhaltigkeit (Oekom, 2018). www.santarius.de
About Technical University of Berlin: The Technical University of Berlin is a research university located in Berlin, Germany. It was founded in 1879 and became one of the most prestigious education institutions in Europe.

Kaja Santro
I studied philosophy and historical linguistics at the Humboldt University of Berlin and picked up programming afterwards. In 2016 I became a member of the Rails Girls Berlin and contributet as an organizer. During the Summer 2017 I participated the Rails Girls Summer of Code (scholarship program) and afterwards started working as a web developer at Absolventa.
About Rails Girls Berlin (soon 'code curious'): The Rails Girls Berlin (soon being called 'code curious') are an organization that helps women and other under represented groups of people to get into programming by organizing low-threshold beginner's workshops with an environment, that has the aim to empower them and awake their curiousity for programming in general. Rails Girls Berlin is a part of Ruby Berlin eV.
Urban Biodiversity - Is Berlin green enough for you?

Lina Roeschel
Lina Röschel is a junior researcher at Ecologic Institute, working on projects related to biodiversity conservation, management of aquatic ecosystems as well as green and blue infrastructure. Current-ly, she is active in the project Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Across EU Policies (AQUACROSS), a Horizon 2020 project that aims to support the EU’s efforts to protect aquatic biodiversity and ensure provision of ecosystem services. Furthermore, she supports the EU-funded BiodivERsA project Enabling Green and Blue Infrastruc-ture Potential in Complex Social-ecological Regions (ENABLE), which utilizes a transdisciplinary sys-tems approach to examine the relationship between social-ecological dynamics and GBI's potential to meet multiple goals, including biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation. Lina Röschel completed her studies in geography and economics at Humboldt University Berlin and New York University.
About Ecologic Institut: Ecologic Institute is an independent think tank for environmental research and policy analysis. Since our founding in 1995, Ecologic Institute has been dedicated to improving environmental policy, sustainable development and policy practice. Through findings and ideas Ecologic Institute helps to mainstream environmental issues into other policy areas. Strengthening the European and international dimensions in research, education and environmental policy discourses is a key priority. Ecologic Institute has offices in Berlin, Brussels and Washington DC.

Gregor von der Wall: Max Pflanzen project - community gardening - one way to preserving urban biodiversity?
Gregor grew up in Berlin, studied Geography (BaSc, HU Berlin) and Geography of Sustainability (MA, Greifswald). He wrote his master thesis on "problem solving strategies of community gardens in Berlin" and is now working in a nature park center in Brandenburg (organizing and executing environmental education events and festivals, tourist information).
About Max Pflanzen: A community and school garden project close to Jannowitzbrücke that aims at bringing people together who are interested in gardening and just wanting to learn more about it. We work together with the Max Planck High School and try to involve the school children and give them the chance to experience the joy but also the effort of growing your own food. Thus, showing them the value of food and the importance of an intact ecosystem to be able to grow it. On the other hand the garden is a green oasis in the heart of Berlin that is used as a place for relaxation.
About the talk: a short introduction on how i got involved in the project (motivation), brief summary of the garden's development, showing how the project connects social and ecological interests and thereby helps preserving biodiverse urban areas
Minimalism: A lifestyle to save the planet? (Valentines Special)

Amelie Salameh: The rise of minimalism - tiny houses meet global challenges
Together with the Tinyhouse University, Amelie is managing a one-year research project called the Bauhaus Campus in collaboration with the Bauhaus Museum Berlin. A village of minimalistic houses on wheels with huge impact. Amelie is a board member of the association which is addressing challenges of growing cities and communities. Their goal is to create new models of social neighbourhoods. She helped building the Holy Foods House – a self-sufficient Foodsharing house that functions as a place of encounter, research and active trade in relation to a sustainable lifestyle. Currently Amelie also works at CABIN SPACEY – a start-up that conquers empty roofs of Berlin with smart cabins for urban nomads. Before coming to Berlin, she graduated in Information Management, wrote her thesis about Artificial Intelligence as a Commons and therefore interviewed AI experts in the Silicon Valley. She describes her talents as being an organizer focusing on social change.
About Tinyhouse University: Tinyhouse university is a Berlin-based NGO, founded 2016 by Van Bo Le-Mentzel, designers, education activists and refugees. Our goal is to create new models of social neighborhoods. Our tools are architecture and the belief that diversity makes a village stronger than common sense.

Florian Weingarten: Minimalism
Florian has 10+ years of professional experience in designing and managing digital products. He holds a degree in product design and recently joined IXDS, a service design agency that helps companies designing their future. Before that, he was responsible for products at several berlin based startups. Driven by a 'less is more' attitude, he does not only strive for simplicity in the products and services he is responsible for, but pursues Minimalism as a basis for a more sustainable lifestyle. He co-founded GreenBuzz Berlin to connect like-minded people dedicated to drive change in our society and enjoys writing and recording simple music for complicated times.
About Green Buzz Berlin: Connecting Professionals for Sustainability.
About the talk: In his talk, Florian will shed some light on Minimalism as a lifestyle, that goes beyond high-polished catalog pictures of designer flats and living with 50 items or less. He will explore Minimalism as a vehicle for a more deliberate life and methods how to deal with too much stuff. Of course, there is a sustainability component as well.
Networking with a Twist: Making Berlin Sustainable ... Together!

Erika Scarth
Erika delivers networking events in London, bringing together creators of charities, businesses and social enterprises as well as people running their own personal projects. She also works with individuals who want to overcome their own limitations and create a positive impact in the world and in the last 5 years has worked with ex-prisoners, people experiencing physical, emotional and mental health challenges, people in long term unemployment and youth.
Erika’s work is based on a foundation of authenticity, communication and personal responsibility, offering the space and tools for people to understand their own wants and needs. Combining coaching techniques with those from traditional counselling approaches and alternative therapies, Erika, her partners and clients create a unique and personal journey grounded in heart-led pragmatism.
About OPEL Stories: OPEL Stories offers coaching and events to inspire and support people to feel empowered and create a positive impact in the world. It was founded on the view that everyone deserves to create a life that inspires them, bringing their life meaning and purpose, knowing they have the skills, qualities, knowledge and wisdom to bring their vision to life and carving a path of positive change for society.
Sustainability Drinks - Global Sharing Week Special

Sustainable Solutions Designer Scott Bolden: A Platform For Resonant Connection
Scott Bolden is an interdisciplinary visionary, part artist, designer, engineer, musician and event producer. He is the co-founder of Das Baumhaus Berlin, an event and collaborative project space for people who want to act on their sense of initiative to make the world a better place personally, ecologically, aesthetically, culturally, economically and socially (P.E.A.C.E.S.).
About Das Baumhaus Berlin: At Baumhaus, we aim to create a space where we as neighbors can address the transition to sustainability from a broad spectrum of perspectives. Transitioning from a culture of domination and exploitation to a culture of care, maintaining a dynamic balance in relations to oneself, others, and nature – that’s the project of our (life)time. And while it’s about development in the social and economic world, it’s also about personal development. We think, working for change is bit like practicing an art: it’s about what we do in our every day life, and it works better if we have fun and a supportive community. Baumhaus is a platform for all those P.E.A.C.E.S. of being a good neighbor and actor of change – bringing together perspectives that are: Personal Who am I, where am I at in my life, where do I want to be and how do I get there? How can we take care of ourselves so that we can live more balanced and satisfying lives? Ecologic How can we live in balance with the ecosystem and protect life on this planet? Aesthetic How can we understand and be in touch with the many ways it’s possible to sense the world? Cultural How can we appreciate and learn from our differences but also focus on what we have in common? Economic How can we advance towards more balanced, zero waste and humane ways of production and consumption? SocialHow can we communicate with each other, to understand and work collaboratively to support each other?
About the talk: The story of how transforming values of sustainability into an indoor tree house is having a practical impact.

The world is changing and we are on the transition team Robert Eckstein
Robert Eckstein is a part of Impact Hub Berlin’s team. Coming from a value-driven and passionate student organization called AIESEC, after his studies Robert was looking for a community of like-minded people who do their work with heart and purpose. And found that in the Impact Hub in Berlin. Beside his involvement with Impact Hub Berlin, he is trainer, facilitator, fan of Positive Psychology and a passionate Introvert. He calls himself a Universe Traveler, but for him, the universe refers to the vast world that resides within ourselves.
About Impact Hub Berlin: Impact Hub Berlin is the catalyst for social innovation. We are a community, a consultancy and a creative space. As part of the biggest network for social innovation worldwide we inspire, connect and enable our local community of change makers to develop their ideas for a more sustainable world. We provide access to training and support, workspaces, lectures, training workshops, community networking events and incubation programs. Moreover we create professional programs for local & global companies, organizations and institutions from diverse sectors; working on the intersection of society, economy and politics. Uniting people from every profession, background and culture, Impact Hub Berlin is run by Nele Kapretz, Anna Lässer, Leon Reiner and Vishal Jodhani since 2014. The first Impact Hub opened in 2005 in London - today, more than 100 hubs in over 54 countries with +15000 members are part of the global network.

Marko Dörre
idealist, family man, lawyer
About fairleihen.de: Fairleihen is a sharing platform which is free and free of ads.

Felix Möller
Founder of upperbike bikesharing
About upperbike bikesharing: You are interested in bikesharing and you want to rent or hire a bike in a fast and uncomplicated way?
Then you are just right here at upperbike because the practical online bike manager makes it easy to manage and rent a bike. This may be a city bike, a children´s bicycle, a solid mountain bike, a fixie or a practical cargobike. Here every bike is available for lend or rent - already from 5 Euros per day.
Just click on upperbike.com and directly find your favourite bike or create a bike advertisement.

Benedikt Maschke
Self-study of life, people and cultures. Exploring, learning, teaching, connecting and sharing in various fields, e.g. communities, premium-collective, services in health, sustainability, organic food, farming and gastronomy, product development and distribution, general consulting, musicians and artists, organization of coops and events, travel and hosting, IT and online projects i.a.
About Premium-Kollektiv / also known as Premium-Cola: Premium started in 2000 with creating an open-source economy model, the PremiumOS (= Betriebssystem) based on the equality of people, honesty, fairness, sustainability and transparency. It operates as a collective: farmers, manufacturers, distributors, sellers and especially consumers become integrated and take part in making altogether decisions in consensus. The collective works without a boss while cooperating with over 1700 partners and none written contracts. This open-source operating system is used to produce and distribute drinks e.g. premium-cola and premium-bier (= hardware). It proves that this balanced business model is functioning. Goal is to bring a more sustainable work environment into our world by sharing the knowledge through online documentation, talks and consultations.

Leona Lynen: Agora Rollberg – Berlin's First Circular Economy Hub
Leona is Circular Economy Program Manager at Agora Rollberg, a prototype for better ways of working and living together around circular economy principles. At Agora Rollberg, Leona aims at building bridges between content, ideas and stakeholders, ranging from hands-on applicable CE solutions for the local neighborhood to radically shifting mindsets of global players. Previously, she worked as freelance Curator and Project Manager for various Goethe-Instituts around the world, focusing on bottom-up city making and co-creative urban development.
About Agora Rollberg: The Agora Rollberg is a Berlin based center for circular economy practices. Established in 2016 as Berlin's first circular economy hub, we invite like-minded individuals and institutions to meet, exchange ideas and collaborate around circular economy projects. We believe that a different way of living and working together is both necessary and possible.
About the talk: At Agora Rollberg, we believe that a different way of living and working together is both necessary and possible. We also believe that circular economy principles are central to designing such a system. At its essence, a circular economy represents a new way of looking at the relationships between markets, customers and natural resources, and thus eliminating the very concept of ‘waste’ and recognizing everything has a value. In my talk I will give a short introduction to Circular Economy, how it relates to the Sharing Economy and how we'll incorporate both in the future of our Agora Rollberg House.
Our Bodies, Our Planet: Sustainability and Health

Natascha von Ganski: Herb Walk
After 10 years of practical experience with medical plants, Natascha founded the alcimia – Schule für Heilpflanzenkunde und Traditionelle Abendländische Medizin in 2008 to pass on her knowledge.
About alcimia Herb School: alcimia is a moderne "Heilpflanzenschule" that is anchored in the tradition of the European art of healing and integrates this with the modern level of knowledge.
About the talk: Herbal Walk @ Prinzessinennengarten (attention: this will take place before the event!!)

Anne Merrill: Our Bodies, Our Planet: Sustainability and Health
Anne Merrill is an herbalist, bodyworker and teacher. After graduating from the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine in Bisbee, Arizona in 2006, she apprenticed at herb company Texas Medicinals, founded the Texas Chapter of the American Herbalists Guild and wrote the Anatomy and Physiology curriculum for the Sacred Journey School of Herbalism in Austin, TX. She now lives in Berlin, where she is getting to know the wild plants and founding the Berlin Herbcraft Studio - a school, workspace and shop for the herbal arts. You can reach her and read her blog via www.annelouisemerrill.com
About Berlin Herbcraft Studio: Berlin Herbcraft Studio will be an herbal workshop space and herb shop. It will provide workshops, classes, workspace, materials and a retail shop in order to support a creative herb craft community in Berlin. It will promote local, circular economy by connecting with local farmers and foragers.
About the talk: A sustainable world is one that doesn’t make us sick! In this presentation, we’ll look at the relationship between sustainability goals and health care. What are the environmental impacts of medicine now? What does a more sustainable health care system look like? Is it enough to “reduce, reuse, recycle” or do we have to reimagine as well?

Patricia Bellack-Hinrichs: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
Patricia Bellack-Hinrichs works as a natural health practitioner and herbalist in Berlin. She studied Politics and American Studies and worked for DW-tv before she got back to her lifelong interest in plants and herbs. She was trained to be a naturopath and has her own holistic practice in Berlin-Zehlendorf. Her website: www.phytoresonanz.de
About Phytoresonanz - Natural health practice / Heilpraxis: Phytoresonanz is a holistic healthcare practice, it is all about restoring health, staying healthy and leading a healthy lifestyle. We work with food changes, herbs and resonance therapy. Call for more information!
About the talk: Sustainability is an important keyword for industry, technology and the economy in general. But what about healthcare? For example, institutions like hospitals and school cafeterias could be leaders in sustainability on a very personal level, by serving healthy food to their patients, at the same time spreading awareness that it is possible to “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
Challenges of Social Design - From Concept to Product

Florian Huss: «nice concept, but…»
Florian Huss just finished his Master in Visual Communication at the Weissensee Academy of Art Berlin. His projects evolve around the topics of Social Design, Co-Design and Participation and the transformation of our society(es). In 2013 he co-founded the initiative «kommen&bleiben», where his recent project grew out of – the «guide for NewBerliner».
About kommen&bleiben: Co-Design between NeuBerliners and students
About the talk: The talk will be about pitfalls, insights and open questions deriving out of our social design projects.

Lars Zimmermann: Social With Open Source
EN Lars Zimmermann (larszimmermann.de) is an artist and economist based in Berlin. He explores Open Source for Circular Economy. He is cofounder of the the Open Source Circular Economy Days (oscedays.org), the Open It Agency (openitagency.eu) and runs The City Is Open Source - City Hacking Project (thecityisopensource.de) and Mifactori (mifactori.de) amongst other projects.
DE Lars Zimmermann (larszimmermann.de) ist Künstler und Ökonom. Er entwickelt Projekte zu Open Source Hardware, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Kreislaufdesign und City Hacking. Er ist Mitgründer und Gründer von verschiedener Organisationen und Projekte wie z.B. den Open Source Circular Economy (oscedays.org), der Open It Agency (openitagency.eu), Mifactori (mifactori.de) und The City Is Open Source - City Hacking Project (thecityisopensource.de).
About Open Source Circular Economy Days: Open Source Circular Economy Days is a global open community about open source resources to create a shift to a sustainable circular economy. We share and produce documentation of circular solutions and invite people to test and implement them in open events across the globe. Join us!
About the talk: I will introduce you to Open Source and Open Design and its real and potential meaning for a more social and ecologically and economically sustainable world.

Michael Volkmer: Activism instead of coffee party
Michael Volkmer is owner of Scholz & Volkmer, a creative agency for digital brand management located in Berlin and Wiesbaden. He trained as a photographer and completed a degree in communication design before founding the agency in 1994. He is in charge of client counselling, corporate culture and the strategic refinement of the agency.
About SCHOLZ & VOLKMER GmbH: Scholz & Volkmer brings in line the economic objectives of their clients with the actual social challenges. In this sense the company developed different products like the online platform “Zeit-statt-Zeug”, the App “Radwende” or “Kiezkaufhaus” – a local and ecological alternative to amazon. The company is working for several clients such as Riese & Müller, Klima-Bündnis and Greenpeace. Besides Scholz & Volkmer is winner of many awards and relevant rankings.
About the talk: Through creation and innovation, Scholz & Volkmer has set itself the goal of aligning the economic objectives and aspirations of its customers with the current challenges facing our society by the theme: Creating Shared Value. The company achieves this by designing projects that bring brands both positive economic growth and an awareness of their impact on society, in order to make the world a little better. Using concrete examples, founder Michael Volkmer will show which strategies are needed to address the current social issues of our time and turn visual and communicative ideas into action.
Conscious Consumerism – How to become a hero

Jonas Lorenz
Jonas Lorenz studied political science and public professional decision making at the University of Bremen. During his studies he started specializing in Fair Trade coffee certification. Wanting to know more about the coffee cycle from bean to cup he worked with coffee farmers and importers in Colombia and Canada. Jonas currently manages sourcing and sustainability at Cross Coffee, a roaster based in Bremen. At Forum Fairer Handel he works in advocacy and campaigning.
About Forum Fairer Handel e.V.: Forum Fairer Handel is the association of Fair Trade in Germany. Its objective is to sharpen the profile of Fair Trade, accomplish demands against politics and commerce, and to achieve a wider dissemination of Fair Trade. The Forum Fairer Handel understands itself as the political voice of the German Fair Trade movement and advocates fair rules and frameworks for trade and agriculture worldwide. It works in the areas of public relations, awareness raising, campaigning and advocacy.

Joyce Moewius
Born 1980 in Berlin, studies in biology and physical education in Berlin, Spain and Puerto Rico.
Early interested in nature, farming and politics she slipped into the topics agriculture, gmo and food policy in 1999. Since 2011 Joyce works into the field of organic farming and food production at BÖLW where she is responsible for media and press relation.
About German Association of Organic Farmers, Food Processors and Retailers (BÖLW): The BÖLW is the German umbrella organization of organic farmers, food processors and retailers. Together with its members it forms a living network to strengthen the German organic food and agriculture enterprises and show the meaning of Organics for a sustainable future of production.
Finance & Sustainability: Green your Money

Philipp Megelin
Philipp Megelin has a background in Business Administration and Corporate Environmental Management. He previously worked for BASF, where he specialized in the assessment of sustainability and the strategic implementation of sustainability assessments. Since 2015 he has been assessing the sustainability of publicly listed companies as analyst for Sustainability Intelligence providing a basis decision-making for investors.
About Sustainability Intelligence: Sustainability Intelligence is an independent provider of information, research and rating services. It focuses on sustainability evaluation of companies, investment products and issues of public interest. Its vision is to create more transparency about organizations' holistic sustainability in order to accelerate developments and promote investment decisions that create value for all stakeholders.

Johannes v. Streit
Johannes v. Streit started his career at a conventional bank, where he pursued a vocational training programme. He soon realized that he did not fit in, so he started studying sustainable Management at Technical University Berlin. Today he works as a consultant at GLS Bank, where he helps customers finding their matching ecological investment.
About GLS Bank: The GLS Bank was the first social and ecological bank in Germany. GLS stands for "Gemeinschaftsbank für Leihen und Schenken", which translates as "community bank for loans and gifts". The bank was founded in 1974 and it currently finances around 23,000 projects and businesses. The Bank focuses on cultural, social and ecological projects which try to tackle challenges in our society by developing creative solutions. Loans are offered to projects like independent schools and kindergartens, organic farms, institutions using therapeutic pedagogy, nursing homes, projects for the unemployed, health-food stores and communal living projects, as well as sustainable businesses. Transparency is one of the main objectives of the GLS: details of all initiatives and companies that receive loans are published in its magazine "Bankspiegel", together with information on the development of the bank itself.

Manuel Ehlers
Manuel Ehlers studied engineering and business administration at TU Berlin, ETH Zürich and Bauhaus-Unversität Weimar. He started as a real estate developer for sustainable real estate - mainly office buildings and has worked for several development companies. However, he found himself limited by the institutionalized market. For the Triodos Bank he is in charge of financing sustainable real estate projects in Berlin and has a greater chance to support diverse projects. He works in the Bank´s capital city office.
About Triodos Bank N.V.: Triodos Bank is one of the world's leading sustainable banks. Our mission is to make money work for positive social, environmental and cultural change. Triodos Bank finances companies, institutions and projects that add cultural value and benefit people and the environment, with the support of depositors and investors who want to encourage socially responsible business and a sustainable society.
Sustainability Drinks - Transforming our World!? The Sustainable Development Goals

Jonas Burgheim: Sustainable Development Goals
Jonas is a Senior Policy Officer at the BMZ, where he deals with sustainability standards and the national partnership for textile standards. He is also the incorporator of Sport Cares, a consultancy for sports policy. He draws from his experience acquired as Policy and Projects Officer/Deputy Head of the United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP). His level of expertise attained during the responsible work with a wide range of policy partners, a broad network in the sport policy field, his experience from working in international relations just like in a leading European research funding foundation. His scientific background as a Bachelor of Laws and Master of European Law focussing on Human Rights and Foreign Trade as well as with his experience in public policy, paved his way to for his professional career in the development world.
About Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ): Consultancy for Sport Policy and Political Affairs - focus on International Policy, Human Rights, Sustainable Development, Internationalisation and Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies, Structural Analysis,

Kai Philipp Schinck: Advocating for Sustainability - The Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development
Kai Philipp Schinck is a Policy Advisor to the chair of the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development of the German Bundestag . His tasks include coordinating the council’s respective activities and advising its chair on matters concerning the interdisciplinary field of sustainability. Schinck studied Political and Administrative Sciences in Konstanz, Lyon and Potsdam.
About Deutscher Bundestag | Office of the member of the German Bundestag Andreas Jung: Constitutional and legislative body
About the talk: Germany has implemented a unique, threefold governance architecture for sustainability, spanning across different levels: It comprises the State Secretaries’ Committee for Sustainable Development, the German Council for Sustainable Development, and the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development, which embeds sustainability in the federal parliament. My talk will address how the parliamentary advisory council operates in general and how it tackles the challenges of the 2030 Agenda.

Victoria Leonhardt
Operations Manager for ShareTheMeal (World Food Programme) who presents the first app against global hunger #1
About ShareTheMeal: ShareTheMeal is the award-winning app by the World Food Programme (WFP). With just a few taps on their smartphones, users can share the(ir) meal with a child in need. EUR 0.40 feeds one child for one day.
Since launching globally in November 2015, more than 770,000 people have downloaded the app and shared over 11 million meals with children in need. ShareTheMeal has received several awards for its design and innovative character, most recently a Glomo Award for the mobile contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We have been featured on the Apple App Store and named among the Best Apps 2016 by Google Play.
Sustainability Drinks - Energy & Sector Coupling

Andreas Kuhlmann
Andreas Kuhlmann majored in physics and minored in economics at the universities of Bonn, Heidelberg and Corvallis (USA). Among others, the graduate physicist has held positions at the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW), the German Embassy in Stockholm and the European Parliament, the German Parliament and the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Andreas Kuhlmann was appointed dena’s Chief Executive in July 2015.
About dena: dena is Germany’s centre of expertise for energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and intelligent energy systems. It supports the implementation of the energy transition in politics, business and society.

Fabian Reetz: Implications the climate goals of the COP 21
Fabian Reetz is the project lead for digital Energiewende at the Berlin-based Think Tank Stiftung Neue Verantwortung.
About Stiftung Neue Verantwortung: This project strives to shape a political dialogue about radical but urgent changes in our energy system. It specifically examines the potential of newly developed digital technologies like Blockchain, to provide actual alternatives to the current price building mechanisms at the energy exchanges.
About the talk: At Sustainability Drinks, he will talk about the major implications the climate goals of the COP 21 in Paris have, if we want to take them seriously. This would mean not only to accelerate the expansion of renewable energies in the electricity sector, but also the electrification of the heat and mobility sector. Those sectors are very different from electricity and can only be coupled on a regional scale. Consequently the electricity sector as the common link between the different infrastructures will have to adapt dramatically – technically and policy-wise.
Sustainability Drinks - Designing for Sustainability

Eric Pfromm
Industrial Designer and Co-Founder of BFGF Design Studios Hamburg. He is certified cradle-to-cradle® Design-Consultant and Member of Kompetenznetzwerk Umweltfreundliche Produktentwicklung, Hamburg.
About BFGF Design Studios: Wir gestalten Räume, Produkte und Konzepte.

Tim Janßen
Tim is CEO of Cradle to Cradle e.V. He is an economist with a focus on founding, innovation management and responsible economic activities.
About Cradle to Cradle e.V.: Wir haben 2012 den gemeinnützigen Cradle to Cradle e.V. gegründet, um die Cradle to Cradle Denkschule in die Mitte der Gesellschaft zu bringen. Warum? Weil wir die enormen Herausforderungen von heute und morgen nur mit einem kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Wandel lösen können.
Sustainability Drinks - Will Veganism Save the World?

Lisa Hapke: Plant-based diet - a way to change the world?
Studying nutrition released my passion for environmental sustainability and highlighted how significant our daily choices are. A view that was confirmed by my master thesis, exploring the outcomes of plant-based nutrition. Now following a plant-based diet and driven by the threat of a unsustainable world for my children, my desire to promote sustainable choices, has intensified. Working at VEBU allows me to follow this passion. As part of the VEBU business team, licencing vegetarian and vegan products with the V-Label, we support customers who want to contribute to a sustainable future.
About VEBU (Vegetarierbund Deutschland e.V.): The German Vegetarian Association (VEBU) is the largest representation of interests for vegetarians and vegans in Germany. Since 1892 the association uses positive PR to promote a permanently lower meat consumption and sees a plant-based way of life as an attractive and healthy alternative available to everyone. The VEBU supports people on their way to a delightful and healthy diet through numerous services and distinguishes itself through creative campaigns, many and varied events and the target-oriented work with multipliers. The VEBU established itself as the leading contact point for any questions regarding the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle, for both experts and consumers.

Anne Bohl
Anne is the associate for nutrition and health at the Berlin-based non-profit organisation Albert Schweitzer Stiftung für unsere Mitwelt.
About Albert Schweitzer Stiftung für unsere Mitwelt (Albert Schweitzer Foundation): The foundation promotes a vegan diet and aims to end factory farming through various approaches: They work with food producers towards vegan options, tour around Germany with their campaign truck, and network with agricultural and political institutions.
Sustainability Drinks - Circular Economy

Nora Sophie Griefahn and Tim Janßen: Cradle to Cradle: Leaving a big and positive footprint
Nora Sophie Griefahn and Tim Janßen, co-founder and executive directors of the Cradle to Cradle Association Germany have been building up the organisations’ work since 2012 in the fields of education and networking. Together with 30 regional groups and more than 300 volunteers they aim to bring the C2C School of Thought in the midst of society.
About Cradle to Cradle Association Germany (Cradle to Cradle e.V.): The Cradle to Cradle School of Thought addresses todays and future problems with innovative solutions to use high quality and healthy materials for the production of all kinds of goods. Defined materials flow as nutrients in continuous biological and technical cycles. Let’s get rid of the concept of waste and leave a big and positive footprint within a Cradle to Cradle Economy!
About the talk: The Cradle to Cradle School of Thought addresses todays and future problems with innovative solutions to use high quality and healthy materials for the production of all kinds of goods. Defined materials flow as nutrients in continuous biological and technical cycles. Let’s get rid of the concept of waste and leave a big and positive footprint within a Cradle to Cradle Economy!

Miriam Kehl: Green Alley: Rules will not lead us – it’s the vision that counts.
Miriam Kehl is Associate Director at Green Alley Investment GmbH, which is specialized in giving start-ups in the circular economy greater visibility. Miriam initiated the “Green Alley Award“, which honors entrepreneurs and start-ups from all over Europe with promising business models related to resource preservation, resource recovery, circular economy and recycling. At Green Alley, her mission is to create a circular economy network and focus on building up cooperations with various partners in the industry.
About Green Alley Investment GmbH: Green Alley is a subsidiary of Landbell AG. Since 2014, Green Alley has been annually honouring ideas that address waste and resource management with its Green Alley Award in conjunction with several award partners: the crowdfunding platform Seedmatch, the London-based accelerator program Bethnal Green Ventures, and the European Recycling Platform (ERP) Finland.
About the talk: Take, make, consume, throw away – the linear economic model is obsolete. We need new solutions to close the loop and to eliminate the idea of waste. It’s a challenging task with ambitious targets. However, many good ideas are already in the pipeline and it’s a perfect starting base for entrepreneurs and start-ups to create alternatives. Get insights how green start-ups are already shaking up our „business-as-usual” behavior and get inspired to do so, too.
Sustainable Mobility: low impact ways to get from A to B in urban areas

Valerian Seither
Valerian is Co-Founder and CEO of eMio Sharing. Valerian studied at TU Darmstadt, PUC Rio de Janeiro and TU Berlin in the field of industrial engineering. Before making his choice to become an entrepreneur, he gained experiences in consulting (strategic, controlling and mobility services), auditing and strategic sales (German OEM).
About eMio Sharing: eMio is Germany’s first free-floating electric scooter sharing provider.

Dirk von Schneidemesser
Dirk is a Research Associate and PhD-Candidate at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. His research focuses on political communication against the backdrop of a dynamic mediascape, focusing on election campaigns and local policy issues like bikesharing. He has taught at the University of Bamberg and Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) Buenos Aires. An interest in climate issues from the vantage of communication has led him to engage in the promotion of urban cycling, also for the Volksentscheid Fahrrad (Berlin’s Bicycle Referendum initiative). Aside from that, he enjoys cycling in all its forms, which leads to his another favorite pastime of his: eating.
About Volksentscheid Fahrrad (Berlin’s Bicycle Referendum initiative): Have you heard about Berlin’s Bicycle Referendum, the world’s first citizen-initiated cycling referendum? We’re passionately pursuing the goal of making Berlin more bicycle friendly by channeling popular support for a sustainable and healthy city. So far, we have had an overwhelmingly positive reception of our quest to make Berlin’s administration invest in an environmentally friendly future. We have the responsibility, as citizens of Berlin, to set a good example and send a signal to the world that cities can start acting now
Education for Sustainable Development: How to improve sustainable measures through education and coaching

Juliane Reiber and Axel Kaiser
Juliane Reiber is an environmental scientist (M.Sc.). Since 2010 she has worked for UnternehmensGrün e.V., the German Federal Association of Green Business. At Unternehmensgrün, Juliane Reiber establishes youth projects on “Education for Sustainable Development” and on “Vocational Training for Sustainable Development” and is further responsible for various cooperation projects. For Ecopreneur.eu, the newly founded European Sustainable Business Federation, she is largely responsible for coordinating the national partners and has been working with the European partners on several topics regarding Green Economy. Before that she has been active in many social and ecological settings in different countries.
Axel Kaiser, CEO of DENTTABS, is one of the ecopreneurs and board member of UnternehmensGrün e.V. participating in the practical implementation of the vocational project in Berlin. He presents the views and experiences from the company-side.
About UnternehmensGrün e.V.: Unternehmensgrün is a nonpartisan, non-profit and financially independent entrepreneurs association. Together with the experts from within the ranks of its members and the executive board, Unternehmensgrün contributes to the legislative process, is consulted in hearings of the German parliament (Bundestag) and develops concepts for sustainable economic development.

Dr. Maren Knolle
Dr. Maren Knolle is the Managing Director of the Berlin based consultancy Sustainability Agents SUSA GmbH. Maren Knolle studied Environmental Sciences with a focus on communication and management and did a doctorate on worker participation. She has been working for Sustainability Agents since 2008. Before, she worked at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg and for the OTTO Group. At Sustainability Agents Maren manages the Aldi Factory Advancement Project in Bangladesh.
About Sustainability Agents SUSA GmbH: SUSA provides training services for improved implementation of social and labour standards at production sites of supply chains, in a range of industries worldwide. Their expertise in worker-manager dialogue is based on more than 15 years in the field, working in factories. SUSA’s intensive and ongoing coaching builds capacities in production markets and promotes local ownership over the change process. To ensure that trainings are culturally sensitive, they are conducted by a global network of local trainers. Besides facilitating change processes and implementing training programmes, SUSA also offers Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) consultancy and stakeholder engagement to brands and retailers.
Sustainability Drinks #16 - Fast Fashion: How can sustainable fashion keep up with trends

Arianna Nicoletti: Upcycling Fashion
Arianna Nicoletti is a fashion designer and activist working with the concept of “Upcycling” since 2009. Fascinated by the aspect of textile waste reduction, in the last years together with her team she initiated many projects in Berlin: in 2010 they founded their own upcycling label aluc (infos below).
In 2012 she started up the project Water to Wine – Material Pool in collaboration with the Berliner Stadtmission creating a source of second-hand textiles for international designers.
She is the co-founder of the project The Green Fashion Tours Berlin and a founding member of the association Future Fashion Forward e.V.
About aluc - Upcycling Fashion: aluc is a Berlin based fashion label. aluc was followed by the first German blog about upcycling fashion and the first concept store dedicated to the topic, The Upcycling Fashion Store. With the institution of their monthly networking event Strich&Faden, they created a proper hub for sustainable fashion in Berlin.

Ester Fröhler and Sonja Lotz: Upcycling Fashion
Ester Fröhler has a university degree in sociology and is a trained TCM-therapist.
Sonja Lotz, Co-founder and formerly co-owner of the Konk Store in Berlin Mitte, is trained as a fashion designer.
About Möon Sustainable Clothing: Möon Sustainable Clothing is a concept store (in situ as well as online) for sustainable fashion in Berlin Kreuzberg. Since 2014 Möon sells fashion accessories and bags for men and women. The selection of brands and product ranges from all over the world is well curated. Möon succeeds in reconciling the pursuit of fashionable design with the theme of sustainability. The labels we sell certify fair production, the use of eco-friendly materials and in some cases even cooperatives with artisans in Less Developed Countries. The plain yet delicate design of the store rounds of the aesthetics of the Möon as a brand. Favoring a sustainable approach, the founders of Möon, Sonja Lotz und Ester Fröhler, have positioned themselves against ephemeral trends in fashion:
“We believe that fashion can be fair, and produced in ways ethically and ecologically justifiable. We have founded Möon Sustainable Clothing to demonstrated, by our selection of labels and designers from all over the world, that fair sustainable fashion can well stand for aesthetics and style. We recognize the necessity to use our resources differently – not the least in fashion we want to give our customers the opportunity the shop and consume responsibly.”
Sustainability Drinks #15 - CSR - Next Generation Business. From Shareholder to Stakeholder.

Dr. Simon Berkler: Using the power of business as a force for good
Dr. Simon Berkler is co-founder of B Corp Germany. He works as a organization and management consultant.
About B Corp: B Corps are a new type of company that uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.

Jacey Bingler and Fátima Gonzáles-Torres: The green search engine, that plants trees
Jacey joined Ecosia as Head of Media Relations in late spring 2015 and has since enjoyed being in touch with international media, event organizers, and Ecosia users. She serves as Browser Partnership and German Customer Support Lead, allowing her to add a little tech-related work to her press field. Jacey is half English and half German, she has a B.A. in Cultural Journalism. Her previous jobs include Content Management at hamburg.de, where she was deputy in chief for the homepage, and Product/Label Management at the record label Edel GmbH in Hamburg.
With a background in journalism and documentary film, Fátima is Ecosia’s Head of Community Outreach. She is responsible for spreading the word by reaching out to influencers and like-minded environmentalists. She empowers Ecosia’s most loyal followers to bring on a worldwide movement that will help reverse the tide of deforestation. As a freelance journalist, Fátima wrote for the Spanish newspapers Teinteresa.es and El País (online). At Ecosia she applies her storytelling skills by giving a voice to the communities affected by the company’s tree-planting program. She has worked in several start-ups and gained experience in policy-related subjects at the European Parliament and through a master’s degree at the College of Europe.
About Ecosia: Ecosia is a search engine that donates 80% of its profits from ad revenue to tree planting. This allows users to contribute to the environment without having to spend a penny, simply by searching the web.

Daria Koreniushkina: What does it take to build a sustainable smartphone
Daria Koreniushkina is Head of Communications of Fairphone
About Fairphone: In 2013, Fairphone launched a movement for fairer electronics. By making a phone, Fairphone is opening up the supply chain and creating new relationships between people and their products.
Sustainability Drinks #14 - Fair Chocolate & Coffee: Good for your soul and the world

Sascha Spittel: Coffee – matching quality and equality
Sascha Spittel is co-founder of the coffee roastery Tres Cabezas. When they opened their Coffee Shop at Boxhagener Straße over ten years ago, it was clear to them that they were to sell and brew only their carefully selected coffees. Consequently, their coffees are grown by small farmers who cultivate their coffee gardens ecologically and commit to protecting the rainforest with all its animals and plants.
About Tres Cabezas: Tres Cabezas processes and roasts a significant proportion of organically grown coffee and certified FAIRTRADE organic coffee. In addition to social and environmental achievements, their mission is to develop great quality in organic and fair trade coffees.
About the talk: "Coffee – matching quality and equality"
At our event Sascha will talk about the ups and downs in setting up their company, projects and products and critically review the relevance of organic and fair trade labels in the coffee world.

Alyssa Jade McDonald-Bärtl: Chocolate – social entrepreneurship beyond the obvious
Alyssa Jade McDonald-Bärtl is a 3rd generation social entrepreneur, but the path to evolving a Change Maker wasn’t so easy as she spent a decade in giant corporations working for profit and became seriously ill. She gave it all up to start her chocolate company BLYSS, a social enterprise to re-invent how we know chocolate.
About BLYSS: BLYSS works with 450 families on 2 sustainable plantations in Ecuador to grow authentic genetic Arriba Nacionale cacao trees (very rare trees!) and then carefully pluck them to be sun-dried and cold-ground for molecular integrity (instead of roasting). This means, that with very low heat and a pure organic species, the aroma and taste of the cacao is maintained by a long and loved handwork.
About the talk: This chocolate, which is favoured by foodies, food writers and chefs, is her proof-point for better standards of manufacturing in nutrition where she actively lobbies to influence diplomatics and ‘Quality of Life’ measures from the Arabic peninsula to South America. Lyss regularly speaks at events in business, politics and corporate responsibility, from the Middle East over Europe to India. She has been a regular writer for business portals, trend magazines, while carving out chocolate expertise.
Sustainability Drinks #13 - Plastic Free Living

Jens Gröger: Life Cycle Assessment
About Oeko-Institut e.V.: The Oeko-Institut is an independent non-profit association. We fund our work primarily through projects commissioned by the public and private sector. Membership fees and donations allow us to embark on projects we deem to be of particular social importance, which could not be realised solely based on our commissions and grants.

Georg Tarne: soulbottles and life as a social entrepreneur
Georg Tarne sucks at recalling names.
He can neither ski nor snowboard, nor surf, nor free climb.
He gets drunk way too fast, and – yes – he has a beard.
Luckily, in spite of all these impairments, at age 22 he managed to start up a social business called soulbottles, that he now runs from Berlin as CEO, together with his best friend Paul (who is co-founder) and Bernardo, an experienced entrepreneur (who is investor, co-founder & operational secret weapon).
About Soulbottles: Our vision is to enable and inspire every person to live a conscious, sustainable and happy life.
Sustainability Drinks #12 - Sustainable Travel: Pack for low impact

Dörte Kasüske: Sustainability in German Tourism Destinations
Dörte Kasüske is a consultant at mascontour GmbH, a Berlin-based consultancy that aims at linking tourism and sustainability management innovatively and consistently. mascontour was founded in 2005. Since then the company has successfully implemented over 100 tourism projects in more than 30 countries. mascontour works at local, regional, national and international levels. Clients include destination management organisations, tourism businesses, development organisations and tourism policy makers. Being part of mascontour's interdisciplinary team Dörte was involved in tourism projects in Germany, India and Myanmar. Besides working as a consultant, Dörte is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Geography/University of Cologne. Her research focuses on value chains in tourism.
About Mascotour: - is a Berlin-based international consulting firm operating in the fields of tourism, regional development and organisational consulting
- works at local, regional, national, international and transnational levels
- is a competent partner in providing comprehensive services – from analysis to consulting to planning and implementation

Natalie Hallensleben: CO2-Reporting & Green Meetings
Natalie Hallensleben joined atmosfair in 2014 where she is responsible for the areas CO2-Reporting of business travel and Green Meetings. Previously, she worked at the international non-profit organization CDP where she managed the annual corporate environmental reporting cycle for the regions France & Benelux. She holds a dual Master’s degree in International Affairs from the universities Sciences Po Paris and the University of St. Gallen and specialized in climate change issues and development cooperation. For her Master’s thesis she spent a year in Nicaragua conducting field research on the use of micro-irrigation systems by smallholder farmers.
About atmosfair GmbH: atmosfair is a climate protection organisation with a focus on travel. We actively protect the climate by compensating greenhouse gases through the use of renewable energies, among other activities.
Sustainability Drinks #11 - Sustainability Badges: Green Washing or Trustworthy?
Silke Peters: Sustainability Standards Comparison Tool (SSCT)
About Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH: Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für herausfordernde Fragestellungen entwickeln: Das bietet die GIZ ihren Auftraggebern. Als kompetenter Dienstleister unterstützt die GIZ die Bundesregierung bei der Erreichung ihrer Ziele in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit. Wir bieten nachfrageorientierte, maßgeschneiderte und wirksame Dienstleistungen für nachhaltige Entwicklung an.

Frederik Betz and Michael Weber: Finding Sustainable Products Online
Hat es sich zum Ziel gemacht nachhaltiges Einkaufen endlich wieder spaßig zu machen.
Ist in seiner Freizeit beim Sport oder in der Natur zu finden.
Hat Bonsum gegründet um den großen Konzernen die Stirn zu bieten.
Yoga, Reisen und gutes Essen sind neben seiner Passion für Datenschutz der liebste Zeitvertreib.
About Bonsum: We want to provide you with an honest and convenient overview of really sustainable companies across the web.
We don't want you to sacrifice any of your quality of living - but help you to make sustainable shopping your new lifestyle.
With our Bonets you can leverage your impact for free and plant some trees, donate to charities or get green shopping vouchers.
Sustainability Drinks #9 - Sustainable Fashion

Sophia Opperskalski: Material For a Sustainable Fashion Industry - Trends, Hopes and Challenges
Having a background in South Asian studies and Integrated Natural Resource Management, Sophia Opperskalski has been working for textile companies, research projects and NGOs in Asia and Europe. She supports textile companies in sourcing sustainable materials and is the founder of interloom: www.interloom.org.
About interloom: interloom is the first open B2B online platform that makes (co-)sourcing and selling sustainable fabrics easy. We help designers and fashion brands to discover the most sustainable, cutting-edge materials. By helping to form buying groups we facilitate to collectively order ecologically and fairly produced fabrics to reach minimum order quantities and to source at lower quantities and for better value. For suppliers we offer a great marketing platform to easily present their products to a huge online community.

Helen Gimber
Helen Gimber is a British designer and educator and teaches Textile Technology at ESMOD Berlin. She studied Textile and Surface Pattern Design at Central Saint Martins and London College of Communication, specializing in Fashion Print. Alongside her design work Gimber runs workshops on topics such as textile design, fashion & sustainability and workers rights in the global garment industry - the latter as a representative of the Clean Clothes Campaign.
About ESMOD Berlin International Academy of Fashion: ESMOD BERLIN International University of Art for Fashion unites a deep awareness of tradition with a strong orientation to the future. Offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees (in accordance with the Bologna Process), we aim to train original and critical designers who can move in the international fashion world with creative competence, sustained success, and a pronounced sense of responsibility, and who bring these attributes to bear on their own ongoing development and that of the fashion industry.
Sustainability Drinks #8 - Hygiene and Sanitation

Danielle Keiser: Education as a Way to Foster Sustainability: Keeping it clean!
Writer, connector and food enthusiast, Danielle is a California transplant living in Berlin.
In 2013, Danielle began working at WASH United, a sanitation and hygiene social impact organization. In addition to leading all communications, PR and social media for the organization, Danielle's leadership took flight as she helped coordinate a global advocacy movement around 28 May, Menstrual Hygiene Day. Within two years, Danielle and her colleagues grew the global network from 0 to 300 partners, thereby sparking a global movement to start the conversation around menstruation and menstrual hygiene.
About WASH United: WASH United is driven by a passionate, multidisciplinary team of engineers, lawyers, public health experts, artists, sociologists and senior creative professionals. We work from offices in Germany, India and Kenya with staff who ensure the local relevance and cultural fit of all our content. Our diversity allows us to create best-of-class solutions, taking into account insights not only from the WASH sector, but also from latest research in behavioural psychology, marketing and communication.

Maxie Matthiessen: Do You Have To Be Rich To Be Green?
Maxie is an award winning entrepreneur with a passion for social impact. She co-founded the successful social business Ruby Life Ltd. that produces and sells innovative female hygiene solutions to girls and women world-wide, and Venture Diversity, an interdisciplinary community of people engaged in entrepreneurship and venture capital. Her current venture Femna designs natural products for the various stages in a woman's life.
About Ruby Cup: Ruby Cup is a high-quality menstrual cup for people with periods who want to switch to a healthier, more sustainable and eco-friendly female hygiene product while saving money, the environment and helping a girl in Africa stay in school.
Sustainability Drinks #7 - CSR Reporting and Evaluation

Uwe Kleinert
Seit 25 Jahren bei Coca-Cola Deutschland, seit 9 Jahren Leiter Nachhaltigkeit und Unternehmensverantwortung Impressum
About Coca Cola GmbHt: German part of the Coca Cola Company.

Vishal Kapadia
As Executive Director of the open-source platform WikiRate, Vishal Kapadia helps corporations become more transparent and responsive by making data about their social and environmental impacts useful and available to all. WikiRate is working with GRI, UNGC, and other civil society organizations to help define and handle metrics, which facilitate dialogue between companies and their stakeholders on their corporate ESG performance. Kapadia’s previous research and roles span marketing, entrepreneurship, technology, and the intersection between neuroscience and economics.
About The Wikirate Project: WikiRate is the non-profit entity behind WikiRate.org: the world's first open effort to rate company social and environmental impacts.
Sustainability Drinks #6 - Connecting People

Leon Reiner
Leon is founder and managing director of Impact Hub Berlin with his core responsibilities around business development and partnerships. He previously worked for a consultancy in the social entrepreneurship sector and managed an incubator for social startups. On the side, Leon build his teaching competencies developing SE courses for different universities and founded the Social Entrepreneurship Education Network to connect educators in the field. Leon holds a masters degree with distinction in international development & economics from the University of Vienna.
About Impact Hub Berlin: Social Innovators from within and beyond the public, private and third sectors are establishing a new form of commerce for the 21st Century. Impact Hub Berlin is becoming the place they call home. Each Impact Hub community is a wealth of innovative programs, events, and cutting -edge content. Step into Impact Hub Berlin and immerse yourself in the local experience of a global movement.

Naomi Ryland
The Changer was created after an eye-opening experience, some empathy, teamwork, a bit of expert support and a lot of work.
About The Changer: The Changer is home to a community of social impact professionals who are committed to making the world a better place.
We want to work differently. We want a job that we love. We want to make a real difference in the world. We are The Changers.
By combining job opportunities with relevant resources, events and inspiration, we make it easier for people to DO GOOD and create meaningful change in their careers.
The Changer helps nonprofits and social impact organizations find top talent by providing an easy, transparent and cheap way for them to recruit.
Sustainability Drinks #5 - Architecture & Interior Design

Paola Bagna
Paola Bagna is a catalan architect who has been working in award-winning architecture offices in Barcelona, Berlin and London. Although accustomed to working with a variety of different projects of different scales, Bagna’s own practice spamroom will focus on detailed, scaled projects that aim to transform existing spaces by re-using as many materials as possible.
About Spamroom: spamroom is a Berlin and Abidjan-based architecture and design studio, headed by Paola Bagna, which has three main principles in its philosophy:
- the priority of using recycled materials in the design (from architecture to product design),
- the constant search for new collaborations with like-minded designers and artists to keep the design process as a discovery of new ideas and
- the close work with craftsmen to understand and learn more about materials and explore new possibilities and methods for working with the materials.

Reinhard Coppenrath
Reinhard Coppenrath studied Organic Architecture and Sculpture at the Alanus University in Bonn, Germany and Pedagogy at the University of Warsaw, Poland. He lived and worked as a teacher and architect for 13 years in Poland and Ukraine where he deepened his knowledge in the field of alternative pedagogy, language, dance and architecture.
For the past 25 years Coppenrath has been working on this question: “How can we find a new way in architecture of unifying the ever different and constantly changing influences of nature, function and the unique needs of the users? How do we create an organism as a synthesis of these 3 sources?” Coppenrath’s life experiences finally lead him to the universal tool of Intuition.
About Studio for Life-based Architectur: Essential Creation - life based architecture - is a clear and efficient method to create an architecture to strengthen your individual potential
and that of your enterprise, to make the building a real safe base where
your aims can grow and develop.
Holistic houses, life enhancing homes, designed to help yourself fulfilling your dreams.
Sustainability Drinks #4

Dr. Michael LaFond: Cultures of Sustainable Urban Development: From Urban Pioneers and CoHousing Cultures to Selfmade City and Make_Shift City
Community Developer, Project Manager and Urbanist. Founder and Director of id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability. Current work studies and publicizes relationships among self-organized housing, urban development processes and sustainability. Projects include the network experimentcity, the book CoHousing Cultures, the annual housing fair EXPERIMENTDAYS, the online platform CoHousing-Berlin, creative sustainability tours, etc. Personally active for decades with CoHousing. Since 2011 involved in the development of the Spreefeld Housing Cooperative. At home in the Spreefeld’s Spree WG 1 shared-living group.
About id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability: id22 is a non-profit, civil-society-based organisation with about 20 members working with creative sustainability, connecting theory and practice in Berlin, emphasizing self-organisation. The main topic of the Institute is CoHousing as a foundation for cultures of sustainable urban development.

Lilly Zeitler
I began living on my father's property in northern Thailand a few years ago, when I was 19 years old. I built a little bamboo hut and began some simple vegetable cultivation.
In 2010, when I was 21, a local farmer, Sandot Sukkaew, invited me to attend a Permaculture Design Course at his farm, Tacome Pai. This was to be a major turning point. Shortly thereafter, I attended a Permaculture Internship at the Panya Project.
In 2012, I participated in a PRI PDC taught by the knowledgeable founder of the Permaculture Research Institute of Turkey, Mustafa Fatih Bakir. Inspired and enthused, I returned to the land.
Before I knew it, my simple life on the land, had turned into a Permaculture project, now known as PermaPai. We have planted a 2 acre food forest, as well as integrated 3 swales, 4 hand-made dams, a well, water tanks, a ram pump and natural structures into our system. We are registered on WWOOF and HelpX and with volunteers are busily converting our 4 acres into a thriving Permaculture system.
About PermaPai: PermaPai is a project based in Pai, northern Thailand, whose primary aims are the conversion of an 8 rai (4 acre) chemical monoculture farm into a thriving Permaculture food forest applying various Permaculture regeneration techniques. We welcome all long and short-term volunteers!
Sustainability Drinks #3

Milena Glimbovski: Unpackaged Shopping
Milena Glimbovski, Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von Original Unverpackt, war jahrelange tätig in der Kommunikationsbranche, besann sich dann aber eines Besseren und suchte ihre Erfüllung im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. Sie ist eine ganz normale Wahlberlinerin. Sie fährt Rennrad, trinkt am liebsten White Russians (ja, die gibt’s auch unverpackt) und glaubt, dass die Welt sich um Berlin und ihre Einwohner*innen dreht. Sie schimpft sich Feministin und ist stolz drauf.
About Original Unverpackt GmbH: Original Unverpackt wird der erste Supermarkt in Deutschland, der weitgehend auf Einwegverpackungen verzichtet. Das Wegfallen von Einwegverpackungen hat den Vorteil, dass wertvolle Ressourcen wie Wasser und Erdöl, die für die Produktion notwendig sind, eingespart werden und eine übermäßige Produktion von Abfall verhindert wird. Statt den üblichen Produktverpackungen und Plastiktüten kann der Kunde eigene Aufbewahrungsbehälter mitbringen, wiederverwendbare Behältnisse im Laden erhalten oder recycelte Papiertüten mit Produkten aus dem weitgefächerten Warensortiment befüllen.

Uwe Lübbermann: Hacking Business
Kopf von Premium-Cola, helfende Hand bei ein paar anderen Getränkemarken, Weltverbesserer in vielen kleinen Schritten …
About Premium Cola: Premium ist eine nach dem Konsensprinzip (nicht die Mehrheit, sondern das beste Argument im Interesse aller Stakeholder gewinnt) betriebene Getränkemarke, die es seit 2001 und in über 100 Städten in D, A und CH gibt.
Sustainability Drinks #1

Scott Bolden: Engaging in Full Spectrum Sustainability
A Designer, Artist and Engineer who came to Berlin in 2001 from Brooklyn, New York, where he started out at Smart Design, acted as the chairman of the Environmental Responsibility Section of the IDSA (Industrial Designer’s Society of America) and taught at New York University, Parsons School of Design and New York School of Interior Design. He then focussed on social art projects and the idea of sustainability, especially concepts of social sustainability. He is a founder of the artist and design collective Skizum and designed and built several spaces for culture, art and community-building events. Sometimes he is a DJ and he was World Champion in Ultimate Frisbee.
About Baumhaus: The Baumhaus (‘tree house’) is collaborative social-cultural project, based in Berlin. We connect and support people & projects from our neighborhood and other places that are engaged locally with social and ecological change.